It Even Happens in "Good" Schools
Responding to Cultural Diversity in Today's Classrooms
Foreword by Bob Algozzine
Afterword by Robert Rueda
A "good" school is a learning community that maximizes the potential of all its students, whether they are white, black, Hispanic, Asian, or Native American . . . and a school can't be a "good" school when some of its students are misidentified, misassessed, miscategorized, misplaced, and misinstructed because of cultural differences.
This insightful work offers case studies, observations, and solutions to the challenges presented by cultural diversity—a new approach that can bring excellence to all learners, all teachers, all parents, and all communities.
A "good" school is defined by how it addresses diversity. Here's how to make it happen at your school.
Product Details
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9780761977964
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2001
- Page Count: 184
- Publication date: May 14, 2001
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