Inclusion Activities That Work! Grades K-2

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Proven inclusion strategies for every classroom!

Expert educator Toby Karten helps teachers meet the challenge of inclusion by providing the tools they need to teach identical standards to students with diverse abilities. Following the format of her best-selling Inclusion Strategies That Work!, Karten translates core strategies into adaptable, classroom-tested activities, helping both general and special education teachers to:

  • Include students of differing abilities, learning styles, and intelligences while meeting national standards
  • Promote learning beyond the basic concepts
  • Enhance student performance and improve study skills
  • Create an accepting classroom climate that motivates all learners

((Dealers Catalog Copy, Set Description, A Copy))

Proven inclusion strategies for every classroom!

In today's inclusive classrooms, educators must meet identical standards for students with diverse abilities. This Corwin Press Classroom set makes it easier for both general and special education teachers to do just that! Based on Toby Karten's best-selling Inclusion Strategies That Work!, these resources offer an array of classroom-tested activities that feature:

  • Inclusion tips to help teachers include students of differing intelligences and abilities
  • Extension activities to promote learning beyond the basic concepts
  • Comprehensive reading lists and activities that increase students' exposure and sensitivity to others
  • Tools for improving study skills

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-2
  • ISBN: 9781412952330
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2007
  • Page Count: 96
  • Publication date: December 05, 2007
Price: $19.95
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A Corwin Press Classroom Activity Book Download a Sample Lesson Plan and Student Activity
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Proven inclusion strategies for every elementary classroom!

Expert educator Toby Karten helps teachers meet the challenge of inclusion by providing the tools they need to teach identical standards to students with diverse abilities. Using thesuccessful format from her best-selling Inclusion Strategies That Work!, Karten translates core strategies into classroom-tested activities that can be modified for students at any skill or ability level.

This comprehensive resource covers a variety of topics, including reading, writing, math, comprehension and study skills, and reflective assessment, testing, and grading. Karten's ready-to-use activities make it easy for teachers to create an accepting and empathic classroom climate that motivates all learners. Elementary teachers will discover how to enhance student performance by setting academic goals and improving students' study skills, promote learning beyond the basic concepts, and much more!

Perfect for both general and special education teachers, this practical volume includes:

  • Graphic organizers and word play that build word deciphering and comprehension skills
  • Creative techniques for using hands-on math manipulatives and games
  • Different methods for students of multiple intelligences to approach the same task
  • Interactive strategies for improving speaking and listening skills

Packed with creative, step-by-step activities, this essential resource helps teachers instruct students of differing abilities, learning styles, and intelligences while meeting national standards.

For other grade-specific Corwin Press Classroom books, please see:

Inclusion Activities That Work! Grades 3-5
Inclusion Activities That Work! Grades 6-8

About the Author
Toby J. Karten is an experienced educator who has been involved in the field of special education since 1976 and has had the opportunity to help many children and adults from elementary through graduate levels. Along with being a resource center teacher in New Jersey, Karten has developed a graduate course entitled Disability Awareness and has presented at local, state, and national workshops and conferences. Karten has been recognized by both the Council for Exceptional Children and the New Jersey Department of Education as an exemplary educator, receiving two "Teacher of the Year" awards. She has an undergraduate degree in special education from Brooklyn College, a master's degree from the College of Staten Island, and a supervisory degree from Georgian Court College.


Toby J. Karten photo

Toby J. Karten

Learn more about Toby Karten's PD offerings

Toby J. Karten is an experienced educator who has been immersed in the field of special education for her entire career. As an accomplished author and researcher, she has presented successful staff development to local, national, and international audiences. Toby is affiliated with Drew and Monmouth University and is an adjunct professor and graduate instructor at the Regional Training Center, which is affiliated with Gratz College and The College of New Jersey. Being involved in the field of special education for the past three decades has afforded Ms. Karten an opportunity to help many children and adults from elementary through graduate levels around the world. She has been a resource teacher, staff developer, adult educator, and inclusion coach and consultant in New York and New Jersey schools and in many districts nationally and globally. In addition to her roles as an inclusion coach, student and family advocate, professional developer, mentor and resource teacher, Toby designed graduate courses titled From Challenge to Success; LD, ADHD, and the Spectrum and Skills and Strategies for Inclusion and disABILITY Awareness. She has trained instructors in three states to teach her courses. In addition, she has designed online courses for NaMaYa titled Collaborative Practices for Inclusive Classrooms and Interventions for Students with Dyslexia and Other Reading Differences. She has been recognized by both the Council for Exceptional Children and the New Jersey Department of Education as an exemplary educator, receiving two Teacher of the Year awards. She earned an undergraduate degree in special education from Brooklyn College, a master of science in special education from the College of Staten Island, a supervisory degree from Georgian Court University, and an honorary doctorate from Gratz College. Toby has authored several books and resources about inclusion practices and the CCSS, which are currently used for instruction on many college and university campuses and schools throughout the world.

Ms. Karten is married, has a son, and a few dogs. She enjoys teaching, reading, writing, artwork, and most of all, learning. Toby believes that inclusion does not begin and end in the classroom, but is a philosophy that continues throughout life. Hence, inclusion is not only research-based, but life-based as well!

Table of Contents

Connections to Standards


Put It Into Practice

1. Reading

2. Writing

3. Math

4. Connecting Students to the Curriculum

5. Comprehension and Study Skills

6. Reflective Assessment, Testing, and Grading

7. Creating a Climate for Classroom Acceptance

8. Teacher-Friendly Inclusion Forms



Price: $19.95
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