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Grin & Share It!

More Laugh Lines for Educators

Infuse sparks of humor and amusement into your school culture!

This lively sequel to Laugh Lines for Educators provides teachers with more laughs, chuckles, and smiles to spice up written and oral communication, add fun to the job, and enliven the school environment. This uplifting book is an amusing collection of anecdotes, stories, jokes, and artwork that:

  • Touches on the themes of children, teaching, "school daze," college, and special occasions
  • Presents ideas for icebreakers, staff meetings, cards, presentations, newsletters, and written correspondence
  • Helps educators find the funny side of life—and the teaching profession!

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412955966
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2007
  • Page Count: 120
  • Publication date: November 06, 2007
Price: $23.95
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Infuse sparks of humor and amusement into your school culture!

Laughter can indeed be the best medicine. Building on her success as a renowned motivational speaker, Diane Hodges once again delights readers with a creative resource of humorous pieces that can be shared with colleagues.

This lively sequel to Laugh Lines for Educators provides teachers with more laughs, chuckles, and smiles to spice up written and oral communication, add fun to the job, and enliven the school environment. Grin & Share It! is an amusing collection of anecdotes, stories, jokes, and artworkthat:

  • Touches on the themes of children, teaching, "school daze," college, and special occasions
  • Presents ideas for icebreakers, staff meetings, cards, presentations, newsletters, and written correspondence
  • Helps educators find the funny side of life—and the teaching profession!

This clever, pick-me-up reading is the perfect companion for any educator and an ideal addition for every staff breakroom!

Key features

  • Fun, funny, and touching stories
  • A collection of ideas to add fun on the job, spice up written and oral communication, andenergize the school environment


Diane Hodges photo

Diane Hodges

Diane Hodges is the managing partner of Threshold Group, an educational consulting firm in San Diego. After 30+ years as an educator, she is sharing her insights through books and international speaking events. Her wit and humor have delighted audiences and readers everywhere. She has served as an executive director of career and technical education, director of instructional services, director of human resources, secondary principal, counselor, and instructor. She earned her doctorate from Michigan State University, has received twelve national and state awards, and is a best-selling author of eight books.

Table of Contents

About the Author

1. Children

2. Teaching

3. School Daze

4. College

5. Special Occasions


Price: $23.95
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Review Copies

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