“Video will completely change the way we do professional learning.”
—Jim Knight
To improve our teaching methods, we must understand what our current teaching methods are. And this is impossible to do this based only on our own perceptions or even feedback from observers. A classroom is a dynamic environment and there is always a lot going on that can be missed in the moment.
The solution, according to renowned professional development expert Jim Knight, is video. In Focus on Teaching, Knight turns to the vast and disruptive potential of video recording to reach new levels of excellence in schools. This book builds on Knight’s prior bestsellers to show how every classroom can easily benefit from setting up a camera and hitting “record”. The book includes
- Strategies that teachers, instructional coaches, teams, and administrators can use to get the most out of using video
- Tips for ensuring that video recordings are used in accordance with ethical standards and teacher/student comfort levels
- Protocols, data gathering forms, and many other tools to get the most out of watching video
With Jim Knight’s expertise and the latest in video technology, positive change in your classroom will be immediate and long-lasting.
“This book provides a blueprint for any school or district to continuously enhance the instructional prowess of teachers. Concepts like ‘video-enhanced professional development’ are revolutionary in their intent, yet consummately simple, clear, and practical.”
—Robert J. Marzano, CEO
Marzano Research Laboratory
“While many advocate for using video to improve teaching and learning, Jim Knight combines the rationale and strategies that compel us to take action.”
—Stephanie Hirsch, Executive Director
Learning Forward
Join Jim Knight and other experts at the 2014 Instructional Coaching Conference to explore how whole school reform is enhanced when principals, teachers, and coaches use collaborative planning and effective Instructional Coaching techniques to improve student learning: - opens in a new tab
Key features
(1) Uniquely tailored to the needs of a practitioner audience, this invaluable resource presents a clear process for using video to promote professional growth and teacher effectiveness.
(2) Describes how to integrate the use of video to maximize the effectiveness of coaching, PLCs, and authentic assessment by administrators.
(3) Includes a full chapter on using videos for self- and peer-coaching.
(4) Aligned with Knight's Partnership Principles, the book takes the position that effective professional development begins by honoring teachers as professionals (not technicians) and giving them voice and choice in their own professional learning.
(5) Promotes a shared understanding between administrators and teacher of expectations for quality teaching (what is being evaluated) and ensures that teachers and administrators agree on what actually took place during the teaching.
(6) Keyed to video clips (accessed via QR codes) focused on educators modling and discussing how they use videos for professional learning.