Feedback for Continuous Improvement in the Classroom

New Perspectives, Practices, and Possibilities

Feedback for Continuous Improvement in the Classroom shows how to plan, enact, and reflect on feedback practices within lessons and across units using a new accessible, comprehensive, and innovative framework.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781544361574
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2023
  • Page Count: 384
  • Publication date: June 21, 2023
Price: $44.95
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Put feedback to work for everyone to make a difference—now

Feedback connects, deepens communication, and helps everyone focus on advancing student learning. What if you could use the dimensions and facets of formative feedback in ways that emphasize authenticity, equity, and care for ALL students?

Educators Brent Duckor and Carrie Holmberg show you how to plan, enact, and reflect on feedback practices within lessons and across units using an accessible, comprehensive, and innovative framework that illuminates the path towards equity and excellence for all. With evidence-based research and real classroom examples, Feedback for Continuous Improvement in the Classroom answers:

  • What is formative feedback? How does it influence student outcomes and teacher pedagogy?
  • Why are well-defined learning goals, aligned with rich tasks and progress guides, essential to making feedback truly formative?
  • What are essential facets of teacher, peer, and self-driven feedback?
  • How does feedback work best in whole-class, small group, or individual configurations?
  • What can make written, spoken, and nonverbal feedback modalities more effective—for all?
  • How can focusing on feedback improve learning across all subject matter disciplines?

Prompts for self-reflection, videos, vignettes, and scaffolds throughout help readers see how effective feedback can be embedded into classrooms and school communities committed to discovery, growth, and deeper learning.


Brent Duckor photo

Brent Duckor

Brent Duckor, Ph.D., is professor in the Department of Teacher Education at San José State University. Dr. Duckor also serves as a core faculty member in the Ed.D. Educational Leadership program at the Lurie College of Education. He taught government, economics, and history at Central Park East Secondary School in New York City in the 1990s. With the passage of No Child Left Behind, Brent returned to earn a doctorate at the University of California, Berkeley and study educational measurement, testing, and assessment in the Quantitative Methods and Evaluation program at the Graduate School of Education.

Brent’s research on formative assessment and teachers’ understanding and use of classroom assessment is informed by his work as a former high school teacher at a nationally renowned urban high school. He has worked to support innovation in teacher licensure exams in state and national contexts. Both his scholarship and teaching seeks to integrate a developmental perspective on teachers’ growth and empowerment in the teaching profession. His scholarship has appeared in Teachers College Record, Journal of Teacher Education, Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, Educational Leadership, Phi Delta Kappan, Journal of Educational Measurement and most recently, the 4th International Encyclopedia of Education. He is also co-author of Mastering Formative Assessment Moves: 7 High Leverage Practices to Advance Student Learning (ACSD, 2017) with Dr. Carrie Holmberg.

Once an avid windsurfer, Brent now enjoys long walks and exploring the Pacific Northwest and the Columbia River Gorge with his wife, Barbara.

He can be reached at brent.duckor@ sjsu.edu
Carrie Holmberg photo

Carrie Holmberg

Carrie Holmberg, Ed. D., is a lecturer in the Department of Teacher Education and preservice teacher educator at San José State University. She taught at a Title I comprehensive high school in Silicon Valley for nearly a decade and has extensive experience mentoring new teachers. Carrie has twice earned her National Board Certification. She also worked with the Stanford Partner School Induction Program and the Santa Cruz/Silicon Valley New Teacher Program for many years.

Carrie obtained her Ed.D. in Educational Leadership in 2017 from SJSU. Her scholarship has appeared in The English Journal, California English, Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, Educational Leadership, Phi Delta Kappan, Journal of Educational Measurement, and most recently, the 4th International Encyclopedia of Education. Carrie has served as chair of the Classroom Assessment Special Interest Group (SIG) for the American Educational Research Association (AERA).

In addition to exploring the Sierras with her husband, Bob, and family, Carrie enjoys playing water polo competitively and surfing in the Pacific.

She can be reached at carrie.holmberg@sjsu.edu

Table of Contents

What Readers Can Download and Print

List of Videos



About the Authors

How to Use this Book

Learning Goals, Tasks, and Cycles of Feedback for Continuous Improvement

Chapter 1: On the Role of Learning Goals, Tasks, and Cycles of Feedback for Continuous Improvement


Chapter 2: Teacher-Driven Feedback

Chapter 3: Peer-to-Peer Driven Feedback

Chapter 4: Self-Driven Feedback


Chapter 5: Feedback With the Whole Class

Chapter 6: Feedback With Small Groups

Chapter 7: Feedback With Individuals


Chapter 8: Written Feedback

Chapter 9: Spoken Feedback

Chapter 10: Nonverbal Feedback

Self-Study Checklist





Price: $44.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.