Empowering Students as Questioners
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9781544331744
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2021
- Page Count: 168
- Publication date: January 26, 2021
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When students become questioners, learning improves for all. Yet, even though research has repeatedly shown that student questioning increases ownership of learning and narrows opportunity gaps, studies show that students ask less than five percent of the questions in classrooms today.
How do you turn this teacher-centric dynamic around? In this book by bestselling author and education expert Jackie Walsh, the author shifts the focus to student-centric learning and how to develop student questioning strategies, including self-questions, academic questions, exploratory questions, and dialogic questions. Other highlights include:
• Vignettes of quality questioning in action in various grade-level and content-area classrooms
• Examples of how to use questioning to harness the power of formative assessment and create a culture of inquiry
• Student questioning models for distance learning
By instilling students with the desire and ability to become better questioners, teachers will see more actively engaged students, more collaboration, and an increase in overall student motivation for learning and achievement.
Key features
-Presents vignettes of quality questioning in action in both elementary and secondary classrooms in a range of content areas
-Distills key research from cognitive scientists to illustrate the importance of questioning in the classroom
-Demonstrates how questioning leads to students' ownership of their school work and results in increased student achievement
-Provides numerous tools for students and teachers to use to make thinking visible in oral and written formats
-Demonstrates how teachers and students can use questions and questioning to harness the power of formative assessment
-Includes coverage of how to use questioning as a tool to create a culture of inquiry in which teachers and students collaborate and look deeper into academic content because it is interesting and challenging
-Chapters 3-6 includes a distance learning application from an educator
-Includes 20 videos showing student questioning in action

Jackie Acree Walsh
Jackie Walsh is an independent educational consultant who partners with educators across the country to enhance teaching and leading in classrooms, schools, and districts. Her passion and primary area of expertise is questioning—for both student and adult learning. Based in Montgomery, Alabama, Jackie is also the lead consultant for the Alabama Best Practices Center, which affords her the opportunity to work with networks of school teams, district teams, instructional partners, and superintendents.
Jackie’s early experience as a high school social studies teacher contributed to her passion for questioning. As a designer and facilitator of professional learning for teachers, instructional coaches, and administrators, she links quality questioning practices not only to student thinking and learning but also to adult learning and reflection. Her commitment is to collaborative design that customizes learning to the context of the learners. Her experience spans work in K-12, higher education, a regional research laboratory, and a state department of education.
The author and co-author of numerous books and articles focused on quality questioning, Jackie seeks to make research and best practice accessible to practitioners. Her books, co-authored with Beth Sattes, include: Quality Questioning, 2nd Edition (2017), Questioning for Classroom Discussion (2015), Thinking Through Quality Questioning (2011), Leading Through Quality Questioning (2010), and Quality Questioning, 1st Edition (2005), She received her A.B. from Duke University, M.A.T. from the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill), and Ph.D. from the University of Alabama. Follow Jackie on Twitter @Question2Think; email, walshja@aol.com.
Table of Contents
Why Is Student Question-Asking Important? Making the Case
Why Should Teachers Incorporate Student Questions Into Their Instruction? Filling a Void
What Propels Student Questioners? The Skill, the Will, and the Thrill
How Can We Develop Students’ Skill and Will to Ask Questions in Class? About This Book
How Can Teachers Motivate Students? Creating the Classroom Culture
How Should Teachers Proceed? Setting Explicit Expectations
How Can Teachers Transform Learning? A Process to Build Capacity
Monitoring Learning—Developing Student Capacity to Ask Questions to Self-Regulate
Making Meaning—Developing Student Capacity to Ask Self-Questions to Build Understanding
Building a Knowledge Base—Developing Student Capacity to Ask Academic Questions
Nurturing Curiosity—Developing Student Capacity to Ask Exploratory Questions
Broadening Perspectives—Developing Student Capacity to Ask Dialogic Questions
Beyond Scaffolding—Toward a Holistic Approach
Realizing the Potential—In School and Beyond
"I have a question: Why don’t you have this book? It’s filled with amazing ideas that encourage students to ask questions. In doing so, you will spark students’ curiosity and wonder. You will capture their minds and hearts and, I promise, they will learn more."Douglas Fisher, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Leadership
San Diego State University
"This is my new go-to book. It is superb, a classic, and the resources are compelling. In it Jackie Walsh invites us to explore the teacher mindframe, 'I am intentional in nurturing students as questioners' and discover how to create classroom cultures that welcome students' impact and authentic questions. Questions are the essence of curiosity and they invite a sense of wonder, which is a great invitation to learning, the beginning of problem-solving, and the best prompt to motivate inquiring and understanding. There is no question, this is the right book to answer this challenge."John Hattie, Laureate Professor
Melbourne Graduate School of Education
"Empowered students become leaders of their own learning, resulting in success in school, career, and life. In her latest book, Empowering Students as Questioners, Jackie Walsh provides a formula to empower students through questioning. One of my favorite parts of the book are the actionable steps to help students self-question so they can monitor their progress, deepen their understanding, and discover new ideas and concepts to explore. This book is filled with resources, including videos of practitioners who have honed their craft by engaging students as questioners. Teachers will refer to it time and time again as they seek to support their students in deep and meaningful learning."Cathy W. Gassenheimer, Executive Vice President
Alabama Best Practices Center
"Empowering students to become skillful and confident in constructing and asking questions is making a positive impact on the overall instructional climate of classrooms across my district. I observe teachers transforming the student role from that of occasional responder to teacher questions to one of actively engaged questioner. This change is resulting from the commitment of classroom teachers and instructional leaders at all levels in our district. In Jackie Walsh’s new book, you’ll find classroom examples illustrating the skills, strategies, and structures that support students in becoming more engaged in and responsible for their learning."Jeff Goodwin, Ed.D., Superintendent of Oxford City Schools and Alabama Superintendent of the Year 2020
"Dr. Jackie Walsh has written a must-read book for administrators and teachers who are considering best practices to invest in students' ability to excel in their own questioning. Read this book and learn from one of the best."Dr. Lisa Berry, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
Trussville City Schools, AL
"Dr. Jackie Walsh leaves no stone unturned in her journey to share proven questioning strategies gleaned from years of field experience and partnerships with teachers. She offers readers a unique categorization of student questions that provides a framework and common vocabulary for building a culture of questioning. Not only does this book offer turnkey tools, protocols, and routines for educators to increase questioning practices, it also provides metacognitive processes and reflection guides for student use. It’s a must-have for educators on a mission to empower students with the knowledge and disposition of questioning."Jana Claxton, Professional Learning Coordinator
Irving ISD, TX
"'Student questions are strong levers for learning.' Dr. Jackie Walsh once again successfully reminds educators of the value of using questions for both student growth and sound instructional decision-making during the learning process. Whether through self-questioning, personal reflection, exploratory questioning, or dialogical questioning, the reader will be challenged to contemplate how the process of using think time and other modes of questioning ignites the potential for learning in any classroom for both students and the classroom practitioner."Bradley A. Scott, Ed.D., Instructional Leader
Huntsville, AL
"Giving students the ability and opportunity to question not only academic content, but also the world they live in, is an invaluable skill that will benefit them throughout their lives. This book provides clear, common-sense strategies that can be embedded in any curriculum to impact learning for ALL students. It will be a vital resource for me as I work with teachers across my campus to improve engagement, instruction, and success for students."Sarah Menn, Instructional Coach
Byron Nelson High School, Trophy Club, TX
"Rigor occurs when learners have their own thoughts about unique, original, or new content and strategy and when they are engaged enough to persevere. Empowering Students as Questioners provides educators a gateway for designing engaging and rigorous learning experiences for students. Jackie Walsh is masterful at explaining how to use strategies and structures to develop students as questioners who are seeking to become self-regulated learners striving to make meaning of the world around them. I love this book, from the opening powerful task design in Ms. Shelton’s 9th-grade classroom, to explicitly teaching students how to assume the role of questioners versus answerers of teacher questions. It is a must-read for those who are committed to transforming classrooms spaces where not knowing an answer is viewed as an opportunity to learn rather than a sign of failure."Terri Stice, Consultant and author of "Powerful Task Design"
Bowling, KY
"Any teacher who seeks to unleash student curiosity should have this book on their shelf, underlined, dog-eared, and full of margin notes. We’ve long known (yet often neglected) the power of curiosity to fuel student learning. The real 'magic' of curiosity happens, of course, when students begin to ask their questions. For many teachers, though, getting students who barely respond to teacher questions to ask their own questions may feel like a bridge too far. With compelling insights and practical strategies, Jackie Walsh shows teachers how to get from here to there, creating classrooms where students take charge of their own learning by asking themselves questions to reflect on their progress, deepen their understandings, and unleash their curiosity so they become lifelong learners."Bryan Goodwin, President & CEO, McREL International, and author of "Building a Curious School"
"Empowering Students as Questioners is the perfect balance of theory and practice. After making a powerful case for the why, Jackie Walsh provides structures and tools for equipping teachers to bring out the inquisitive nature and curiosity that exists within their students. If you have a desire to empower students to engage in meaningful inquiry, reflection, analysis, and discourse, then this is the book for you!"Jamie Parris, Director of High School Teaching and Learning
Hamilton County Schools, TN
"Asking the right question at the right time is one of the most powerful skills t acquire. It's a nuanced art that can always be refined and augmented. Whether you are a beginning teacher or a veteran, this book is just what you need to grow your students' confidence and competence as questioners in the classroom. Regardless of the grade or subject matter you teach, Jackie Walsh has written this book for you. She combines practical advice and accessible research to encourage thoughtful questioning that engages learners and adds energy to your classroom."Sarah Brown Wessling, NBCT 2010 National Teacher of the Year
Johnston High School, IA
Review Copies
Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.
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