Emotional and Behavioral Problems

A Handbook for Understanding and Handling Students

The authors take a complex, under-discussed topic and give teachers and administrators useful, basic guidelines they can put to use quickly in understanding, identifying, and helping this special group of students.

This well-organized, easy-to-follow handbook features:

  • Definitions and causes of emotional and behavioral problems
  • Concrete examples of diagnostic and assessment methods
  • Detailed management programs for treating emotionally and behaviorally challenged students
  • Resource lists for both the professional and the parents

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9780761977049
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2002
  • Page Count: 256
  • Publication date: March 15, 2002
Price: $44.95
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"This book is an excellent overview of a very complex area. It is a useful guide to identifying and treating children with emotional and behavioral disabilities (EBD), and is particularly outstanding on topics related to the educational system and the numerous laws and policies surrounding the education of EBD children. This book will serve the field well."
Krista Kutash, Ph.D., Deputy Director and Associate Professor, Research and Training Center for Children's Mental Health, Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute
Tampa, FL

"This serves as a great resource for educators who want to know more about youth with emotional and behavioral disorders and the needs of their families. I know I will draw from it in the future to orient new staff working with emotionally and behaviorally challenged youth."
Mary F. Sinclair, Ph.D., Institute on Community Integration, College of Education and Human Development
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

Finally! A straightforward, practical guide to help you identify, evaluate, and aid students with emotional and behavioral problems.

The authors take a complex, under-discussed topic and give teachers and administrators useful, basic guidelines they can put to use quickly in understanding, identifying, and helping this group of students.

This well-organized, easy-to-follow handbook features:

  • Definitions and causes of emotional and behavioral problems
  • Concrete examples of diagnostic and assessment methods
  • Detailed management programs for treating emotionally and behaviorally challenged students
  • Resource lists for both professionals and parents

In Part One, educators will find clear, invaluable information about recognizing the major types and causes of emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD), evaluating students with EBD, as well effectively handling aggressive and violent behaviors in EBD students.

Part Two offers practical help in treating students, including chapters on school-based placement, the role of medications in treatment, and the joint roles the family and teacher must take to help the student


Paul Zionts photo

Paul Zionts

Paul Zionts is a professor of special education and Chairperson of the Department of Educational Foundations and Special Services at Kent State University. He has been a teacher in a reform school and an inner-city high school, a program director, consultant, and teacher trainer. He has lectured and provided training in local, state, and national events and has conducted hundreds of workshops that have included teachers, counselors, psycho­ logists, social workers, administrators, parents, secretaries, and bus drivers. He has authored Teaching Disturbed and Disturbing Students (2nd edition) and Inclusion Strategies for Students with Learning and Behavior Problems, and he has coauthored with Richard Simpson both Autism (2nd edition) and Understanding Children and Youth with Emotional and Behavioral Problems.
Laura Zionts photo

Laura Zionts

Laura Zionts, PhD, is an assistant professor at Texas A&M University in the Department of Educational Psychology’s Special Education, At-Risk and Bilingual Education program. She has worked with students who have emotional and behavioral disorders as a classroom teacher and a transition specialist. She has enjoyed teaching in both early elementary and secondary classrooms in mostly urban settings. Her primary area of research is the disproportionate representation of minority youth in programs for children and youth with behavioral disorders.
Richard L. Simpson photo

Richard L. Simpson

Richard L. Simpson was Professor Emeritus at the University of Kansas. He was a member of the Department of Special Education faculty for over 40 years. While at the University of Kansas he directed numerous University of Kansas and University of Kansas Medical Center demonstration programs for students with autism spectrum disorders and other disabilities and coordinated a variety of federal grant programs related to students with autism spectrum disorders and other disabilities. He also worked as a special education teacher, school psychologist and coordinator of a community mental health outreach program. Rich authored numerous books, articles, and texts on a variety of topics connected to students with disabilities. Rich was the former senior editor of the professional journal Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. His awards include the Council for Exceptional Children Research Award, Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorders Leadership Award, Autism Society of Kansas Leadership Award, and numerous University of Kansas awards and distinguished roles, including the Gene A. Budig Endowed Teaching Professorship of Special Education.

Table of Contents



About the Authors

Part One: Understanding Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

1: Introduction to Emotional Disturbance and Behavioral Disorders

By Any Other Name: Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

Possible Causes of Emotional Disturbance and Behavioral Disorders


Serious Emotional Disturbance or Behavioral Disorders or EBD: What's the Difference?

How Professionals View Labels

Identification of EBD

Behaviors That Fit Into Educational Stages

Characteristics of Emotionally Disturbed or Behaviorally Disordered Children and Youth


2. Major Types of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

Externalizing Behaviors

Internalizing Behaviors

Function Disorders


3. Causes of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

Understanding Factors Related to the Development of EBD

Understanding Potential Causes of EBD


4. Evaluating and Assessing Students Who Have Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

The Purpose of Evaluation

An Overview of EBD Evaluation

Specific Aspects of the Evaluation Process as They Relate to EBD

Evaluation Techniques Used to Determine Eligibility


5. Violence and Aggression in Schools

Violence and Aggression in the Schools

The Roots of Violent and Aggressive Behaviors in Children and Adolescents

Violence, Aggression, and EBD

Responses to School Violence and Aggression

Reducing and Preventing Violence and Aggression


6. Adolescents Who Have Emotional and Behavioral Disorders and the Juvenile Justice System

Background Information on EBD and the Juvenile Justice System

Perplexing Issues of Ethnicity, Mental Health, and Juvenile Justice in the United States

Addressing Issues of Ethnicity and Bias in Juvenile Justice Agencies

Addressing the Mental Health Needs of All Youth in the Juvenile Justice System

Special Education and the Juvenile Justice System

Juvenile Justice and Youth Who Have EBD: Intervention and Reintegration Strategies


Part Two: Helping Students Who Have Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

7. Treatment of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

Behavior Modification

Examples of Two Behavior Modification Programs

Schoolwide Discipline: Positive Behavioral Supports

Cognitive Behavior Therapy


8. School-Based Placements

After Identification

Determining Appropriate Educational Goals

The Least Restrictive Environment

The Continuum of Services: Placement Options

An Important Caveat About Placements

Possible Parental Reactions to Placement Options

Changing Placements Because of Behavior

A Few Words About Inclusion


9. Supporting Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Outside the Public School Setting

Medications for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: Psychopharmacology

The Role of Psychiatric and Juvenile Justice Professionals on the IEP Team

Collaborative Efforts Between Mental Health Agencies and the Educational System

Systems of Care

Insurance, Managed Care, Medicare, and Systems of Care


10. The Role of Families in Supporting Children With Emotional and Behavioral Concerns

Parents as Referral Agents

Teachers as Referral Agents

Parents as Advocates for Their Children With Emotional and Behavioral Concerns

The Importance of Being a Support Agent

Implementing Changes at Home

Exercises for Improving Communication

Ideas to Improve Discipline Strategies at Home

Finding Ways to Relieve Stress


11. What Lies Ahead: Postschool Transition

Critical Concepts About EBD

Postschool Success

Transition Planning


Resources for Professionals and Parents



Price: $44.95
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