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Eight Ways of Knowing

Teaching for Multiple Intelligences
Third Edition
By: David Lazear

Foreword by Howard Gardner

Formerly a SkyLight Publication

Learn how to tap into practical strategies and techniques for developing and nurturing the full spectrum of intelligences identified by researcher Howard Gardner.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781575171180
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 1999
  • Page Count: 272
  • Publication date: June 01, 1999
Price: $46.95
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Formerly a SkyLight publication

Learn how to tap into a broad range of student abilities and talents while learning how to move beyond the verbal emphasis so common in most school curricula. In Eight Ways of Knowing provides:

  • Practical strategies for awakening the full spectrum of intelligences
  • Techniques for developing and nurturing these intelligences
  • Tools for structuring targeted lessons
Each chapter also presents a model content-based lesson that emphasizes and uses a particular intelligence in the teaching and learning environment of the classroom.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents



Introduction: Awakening, Amplifying, Teaching, and Transfering Intelligence: An Introduction to Multiple Intelligences Theory

1. In the Beginning Was the Word...: Explorations of Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence

2. As Easy as 1, 2, 3: Explorations of Logical/Mathematical Intelligence

3. Seeing Is Believing...and Knowing!: Explorations of Visual/Spatial Intelligence

4. Actions Speak Louuder Than Words: Explorations of Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence

5. I've Got Rhythm, You've Got Rhythm...Who Could Ask for Anything More?: Explorations of Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence

6. Getting to Know You...and Learning Together: Explorations of Interpersonal Intelligence

7. Know Thyself...Thy Cognition and Thy Consciousness: Explorations of Intrapersonal Intelligence

8. It's 100% Natual (with No Additives!): Explorations of Naturalist Intelligence

9. Creating Multi-Modal Eventfulness in the Classroom and School: Teaching for Multiple Intelligences

10. Conclusion

Appendix A: A Review of the Research on Multiple Intelligences and the Brain

Appendix B: Multiple Intelligences Toolbox Descriptions

Appendix C: Answer Key



Reflection Log

Price: $46.95
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