
Differentiating Instruction for Students With Learning Disabilities

New Best Practices for General and Special Educators
Third Edition
By: William N. Bender

In this updated bestseller, Bender draws on the latest brain research and technology to bring a new focus to differentiating instruction in the context of the Common Core.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-8
  • ISBN: 9781412998598
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2012
  • Page Count: 216
  • Publication date: October 23, 2012
Price: $44.95
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Use the latest research to bring differentiated instruction to today's inclusive classrooms!

With flipped classrooms, response to intervention, and technology discussed as differentiated instructional tools, this book has it all! Teachers need 21st century resources that help them provide high-quality, differentiated instruction for all students. In this new edition of his best-selling resource, William Bender draws on the latest brain research, technology, and educational initiatives to bring a new focus to differentiating instruction in the context of the Common Core State Standards.

By weaving together differentiated instruction, Response to Intervention, and educational technology, educators can increase achievement among students with learning disabilities and also foster the development of 21st-century skills. This updated guide offers

  • Specific strategies for differentiating instruction within an RTI framework and in the context of the Common Core State Standards
  • Strategies for using technology to instruct and assess students with learning disabilities
  • Teaching tips and concrete examples of brain-friendly instruction
  • Guidance on a range of supportive instructional techniques
  • Additional strategies based on the latest research in metacognition
  • Up-to-date techniques such as using Khan Academy, flipped classes, and wikis to enhance learning in general and special education settings

This new edition of Differentiating Instruction for Students With Learning Disabilities offers the tools and strategies educators need to maximize achievement for all students.

"The ideas in this book are wonderful! They are new, innovative, current, interesting, and very practical. I could easily implement some of these ideas in my classroom tomorrow!"
—Rachel Aherns, Teacher
Westridge Elementary School, West Des Moines, IA

"Between these pages you will find ample strategies of how to effectively and efficiently individualize instruction for a classroom of diverse learners, without having to spend countless hours before and after a lesson preparing and assessing."
—Jessica Purcell, Teacher
Morehead City Middle School, Morehead City, NC


William N. Bender photo

William N. Bender

William N. Bender, PhD, has had a long and distinguished career in education, teaching in public school for several years and in higher education for some 26 years at Blue?eld State College in West Virginia, Rutgers University in New Jersey, and the University of Georgia. He has written 36 books in special and general education. With his retirement, he has stepped back from his rigorous workshop schedule, which as recently as 2016 included some 40 workshop days per year. While the COVID-19 pandemic impacted his work, he has written four historical ?ction novels and several educational books in recent years. He has delivered several professional development projects, including most recently a keynote for a virtual conference on project-based learning in Brazil in conjunction with his Corwin book Project-Based Learning (2012).

Learn more about William Bender's PD offerings

Consulting Description: Differentiated Instruction
Consulting Description: Math
Consulting Description: Project-Based Learning
Consulting Description: RTI
Consulting Description: Technology

Table of Contents


About the Author

1. Differentiated Instruction: Then and Now

2. Universal Design and Differentiated Instructional Models

3. Technology and the New Differentiated Instruction

4. Response to Intervention and Differentiated Assessment Strategies

5. Instructional Support Strategies for Differentiated Instruction

6. Cognitive Strategy Instruction for Differentiated Classes





Price: $44.95
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