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Differentiated Instructional Strategies

One Size Doesn't Fit All
Third Edition
By: Gayle H. Gregory, Carolyn Chapman

Discover why 100,000+ teachers look to this ground-breaking text to put differentiated instruction immediately into practice. New edition includes new strategies and a Common Core lesson-planning template.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781452260983
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2012
  • Page Count: 232
  • Publication date: December 04, 2012
Price: $40.95
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Your favorite differentiated instruction text just got better!

If you're in need of a single resource to put differentiated instruction immediately into practice, then follow the lead of 100,000+ teachers and look to Gregory and Chapman's ground-breaking text. Across two editions, the book has remained unmatched in its simplicity and practicality. The same is just as true with this new edition. But with new strategies, updates throughout, a Common Core lesson-planning template, and a larger format, the third edition is an even richer resource.

Why has Differentiated Instructional Strategies remained such a classroom favorite?

  • Its deep research base coupled with immediately useable examples
  • Its start-to-finish six-step process, beginning with establishing a classroom climate, then getting to know students
  • Its emphasis on formative assessment before, during, and after learning
  • Its many instructional strategies for using the data gathered
  • Its many models for planning effective differentiated lessons, supported by 70+ templates, tools, and questionnaires

Whether you're a first-time user or longtime fan, you'll find everything you need to create a truly brain-friendly differentiated classroom.

Key features

  • Provides educators with a six-step planning model for implementing differentiated learning in the classroom
  • Guides teachers through the process of determining what will be taught, establishing formative assessment strategies to collect data, and creating an appropriate final assessment aligned to the Common Core state standards
  • Describes how to activate students' prior knowledge and use "emotional hooks" to engage their brains and capture their attention
  • Explains how to make decisions about what students need to learn and whether the knowledge acquisition will take place in a total group setting or in small groups based on readiness or interest.
  • Describes how to provide students with opportunities to practice and become actively engaged in the classroom
  • Explains how to create thoughtful assessments that provide students with choices for demonstrating their knowledge and that honor the diversity of students' learning preferences, multiple intelligences, and personal interests


Gayle H. Gregory photo

Gayle H. Gregory

Gayle H. Gregory is first and foremost a teacher, having experienced teaching and learning in elementary, middle, and secondary schools, community colleges, and universities. She has had extensive district-wide experience as a curriculum consultant and staff development coordinator. Gayle was principal/course director at York University for the Faculty of Education, teaching in the teacher education program.
Her areas of expertise include brain-compatible learning, differentiated instructional and assessment strategies, block scheduling, emotional intelligence, student motivation, RTI Tier One, collaborative learning, common core, renewal of secondary schools, enhancing teacher quality, coaching and mentoring, managing change, and building professional learning communities. She also a trainer for Visible Learning Plus with Corwin.

She is an author of numerous books related to educational neuroscience and differentiated instruction, assessment, and curriculum, including the following titles:

• Data Driven Differentiation in the Standards-Based Classroom, Second Edition (2014, with Lin Kuzmich)
• Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size Doesn’t Fit All, Third Edition (2013, with Carolyn Chapman)
• Differentiated Instructional Strategies Professional Learning Guide: One Size Doesn’t Fit All, Third Edition (2013)
• Differentiated Literacy Strategies for English Language Learners, Grades K–6 and Differentiated Literacy Strategies for English Language Learners, Grades 7–12 (2011, with Amy Burkman)
• Differentiated Instructional Strategies for the Block Schedule (2010, with Lynne E. Herndon)
• Student Teams That Get Results: Teaching Tools for the Differentiated Classroom (2009, with Lin Kuzmich)
• Teacher Teams That Get Results: 61 Strategies for Sustaining and Renewing Professional Learning Communities (2009, with Lin Kuzmich)
• Differentiated Instructional Strategies for Science, Grades K–8 (2009, with Elizabeth Hammerman)
• Differentiating Instruction With Style: Aligning Teacher and Learner Intelligences for Maximum Achievement (2005)
• The Activities for Differentiated Classroom series (2007, with Carolyn Chapman)

She is affiliated with organizations such as ASCD and Learning Forward. Her ASCD publication is The Motivated Brain: Improving Student Attention engagement and Perseverance (2015, with Martha Kaufeldt).

Gayle consults internationally with teachers, administrators, and staff developers.

She and her family of two daughters and two granddaughters all reside in Burlington, Ontario.

Gayle is committed to lifelong learning and professional growth for herself and others. She may be contacted at gregorygayle@netscape.net, www.gaylehgregory.com, and @gaylegregory6.

Carolyn Chapman photo

Carolyn Chapman

Carolyn Chapman is an international educational consultant, author, and teacher who has taught in kindergarten to college classrooms. Her interactive, hands-on professional development training sessions challenge educators to use strategies that ensure success for learners of all ages. Chapman has written many books about differentiated instruction, multiple intelligences, multiple assessments, and the brain-compatible classroom. She is coauthor with Gayle Gregory of the landmark Corwin Press book Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size Doesn't Fit All.

Table of Contents

1. One Size Doesn't Fit All

2. Creating a Climate for Learning

3. Knowing the Learner

4. Assessing the Learner

5. Adjusting, Compacting, and Grouping

6. Instructional Strategies for Student Success

7. Curriculum Approaches for Differentiated Classrooms

8. Putting it All Together in Your Differentiated Classroom



Price: $40.95
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