Updated Edition of Bestseller

Differentiated Coaching

A Framework for Helping Educators Change
Second Edition
By: Jane A. G. Kise

Foreword by Joellen Killion

Jane Kise shows how your strengths and beliefs influence your coaching style and how to tailor your coaching practice to meet the needs of each educator.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781506327754
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2017
  • Page Count: 256
  • Publication date: May 23, 2017
Price: $44.95
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Differentiate your coaching practice to meet the needs of every teacher!

Jane Kise takes you on a journey into differentiated coaching with a strength-based framework for understanding, appreciating, and working with people who may think differently from you. Through an online self-assessment tool, you will discover how your strengths and beliefs influence your coaching practice. Through examples, case studies, and reflection exercises, you will understand how to:

  • Tailor your coaching practices to meet the needs of each educator
  • Increase teacher willingness to implement new skills in their classrooms
  • Anticipate patterns of resistance and adjust both the content and delivery of professional development

Key features

  • The first half lays out five key elements for effectively coaching teachers for change
  • The second half introduces the sixth key, using a framework that helps identify patterns in teacher beliefs, needs, and cognitive processing styles that adds understanding and a common language for coaching and for discussing teaching and learning
  • New to the second edition:
    • Revised reflective exercises
    • A new coaching cycle model which includes the core questions for differentiated coaching and can be used to reflect on potential coaching moves
    • An online tool to discover your personality type and how it fits into a strength-based framework for understanding, appreciating, and working with people who do and don’t think like you


Jane A. G. Kise photo

Jane A. G. Kise

Jane Kise, an educational consultant with extensive experience in leadership, instructional coaching, differentiation, and effective mathematics instruction, is considered a worldwide expert in Jungian type and its impact on leadership and education. The author of over 20 books, she works with schools and businesses, facilitating the creation of environments where everyone—leaders, teachers and students—can flourish.

She trains educators around the world on coaching, collaborative practices, effective change processes, and differentiated instruction, especially in mathematics. A frequent conference keynote speaker, her past engagements include education conferences and type conferences across the United States and in Europe, Saudi Arabia, Australia and New Zealand. Jane has also written articles for several magazines and has received awards for her differentiated coaching research.

Jane currently teaches doctoral courses in education leadership for the University of St. Thomas and is a past faculty member of the Center for Applications of Psychological Type. She served as President of the Association for Psychological Type International. She holds an MBA from the Carlson School of Management and a doctorate in Education Leadership from the University of St. Thomas. She is certified in Neuroscience and Jungian Personality, is a MBTI ® Master Practitioner qualified to use MBTI Steps I, II and III, and is certified in emotional intelligence instruments and leadership 360 tools. You can read more about her work at www.janekise.com.

Table of Contents



About the Author

Part I: Coaching that is Both Student-Centered and Teacher-Centered

Chapter 1: What Do Teachers Believe?

Chapter 2: Meeting the Needs of the Teacher During Change

Chapter 3: What Problems do Teachers Want to Solve?

Chapter 4: What Evidence Will Inform This Coaching Cycle?

Chapter 5: How Can Teachers Collaborate?

Part II: Developing a Language for Change

Chapter 6: A Common Framework: Creating a Climate where Change is Possible

Chapter 7: Cognitive Processes and Coaching

Chapter 8: Coaching Your Whole Staff for Change

Chapter 9: Professional Development Synergy

A Final Note


Appendix A: The Sixteen Types: Strengths, Beliefs and Needs During Change

Appendix B: Problem Solving Model

Appendix C: Polarity Thinking and Differentiated Coaching




Price: $44.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.