Defensible Teacher Evaluation
Teacher evaluation must start where learning happens—in the classroom. In this revolutionary book, Rick Stiggins offers a plan for teacher evaluation based on classroom assessment of student growth.
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9781483344690
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2014
- Page Count: 160
- Publication date: March 20, 2014
Review Copies
Meaningful teacher evaluation starts with visible student growth
Annual standardized test scores cannot provide evidence of student growth needed to evaluate teacher performance. But consider student growth in the form of evidence derived from classroom assessment and you’re on to something. For assessment expert Rick Stiggins, this can form the basis for a truly productive teacher evaluation strategy.
This revolutionary book helps you bring classroom assessment to bear for real school improvement, with
- A plan for teacher evaluation based, in part, on dependable evidence of student growth
- Strategies for improving the assessment literacy of teachers and school leaders
- Five steps for developing and implementing productive local district assessment systems
- Practical tools that teachers and their evaluators can put to use immediately
In this era of aggressive teacher evaluation reform, where teachers are charged with preparing ALL students to master 21st century proficiencies, the measurement of teacher success must start where learning happens—in the classroom.
“Developing a fair, practical, and effective teacher evaluation system is like climbing a high mountain: it’s impossible until someone finds a route. That’s what Rick does in this book. He identifies the immense challenges associated with using evidence on student learning as the principal criteria in teacher evaluation and then offers practical guidance for overcoming those challenges. He hasn’t made the climb easy, but he shows us the way.”
—Thomas R. Guskey, Professor of Educational Psychology
University of Kentucky
“Rick Stiggins builds a compelling case for the development of a solid foundation of assessment competence throughout our educational system.”
—Linda Darling-Hammond, Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education
Stanford University
Key features
- Offers a compromise plan between using standardized test scores and classroom assessment evidence in teacher evaluations
- Offers strategies for implementing universal assessment literacy (teacher evaluation process)
- Seven steps to the development and implementation of productive local assessment systems

Rick Stiggins
Rick Stiggins has devoted his professional life to understanding keys to student academic success in the classroom. His mission has been to help teachers, school leaders, policy makers, and school communities apply research-based policies and classroom practices that help all students experience the highest-possible levels of learning success.
His preparation to fulfill this mission began as a psychology major at the State University of New York at Plattsburgh, followed by doctoral studies in educational psychology at Michigan State University. Rick’s focus on keys to student success was sharpened with early career experiences at the University of Minnesota, on the research staff of the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (NWREL) in Portland, Oregon, and as a visiting scholar at Stanford University. During this phase of his own development, Rick spent over a decade in classrooms with students and teachers researching and striving to understand (1) the task demands teachers face in managing the day-to-day classroom assessment process, and (2) how that process can positively impact students’ motivation, actions, and achievement, as well as their sense of themselves as learners.
With this foundation of understanding in hand, Rick founded the Assessment Training Institute (ATI) in 1992 in Portland, a professional development company whose mission was to promote the “assessment literacy.” He and his team developed and disseminated print, video, and online offerings that help educators, parents, and school communities in general learn to gather dependable evidence of student achievement and use that evidence effectively to develop truly effective instructional practices. Rick and the ATI team turned the spotlight onto the breakthrough practice of using “assessment for learning” or of engaging students in ongoing self-monitoring and management of their own growth while it is happening.
Primary among the materials Rick and his team created has been an award-winning professional text for teachers titled An Introduction to Student-Involved Assessment for Learning, now available in its seventh edition (Chappuis & Stiggins, 2017). In addition, he has authored numerous books, articles, and other writings on sound practice for pre- and in-service training, community outreach, and educational leadership that have helped literally hundreds of thousands of teachers, school leaders, and community leaders around the world improve their classroom practice, educational leadership capabilities, and professional confidence. Through these channels, it is safe to assume that Rick’s work has impacted the learning and self-confidence of millions of students over the past forty years.
Table of Contents
1. Keys to Productive Teacher Evaluation in the New Era
2. Annual Accountability Test Score? Unacceptable in This Case
3. Classroom Assessment to the Rescue
4. Similar to Student Learning Objectives, But Much Better
5. Tapping the Power of Universal Assessment Literacy
6. Required: Local School Leadership and Assessment Action
Appendix A: Classroom Assessment Quality Rating Scales
Appendix B: Sample Affective Questionnaires
Appendix C: Rating Scales for Evaluating Completion of Five Essential Local Assessment Actions
"Developing a fair, practical, and effective teacher evaluation system is like climbing a high mountain: it’s impossible until someone finds a route. That’s what Rick does in this book. He identifies the immense challenges associated with using evidence on student learning as the principal criteria in teacher evaluation and then offers practical guidance for overcoming those challenges. He hasn’t made the climb easy, but he shows us the way."Thomas R. Guskey, Professor of Educational Psychology
University of Kentucky
"For the last several decades, no one in America—certainly no member of the educational measurement community—has more effectively described how classroom assessments can contribute to students’ learning. Happily, Stiggins has now brought his experience-honed view of classroom testing to the appraisal of teachers’ instructional skills. For all teachers and administrators, this is requisite reading!"W. James Popham, Emeritus Professor, UCLA
Author of Evaluating America's Teachers
"Rick Stiggins thoroughly describes the problems associated with current efforts to institute test-based teacher evaluation. He describes how quality classroom assessments can be woven into the teacher evaluation equation in ways that better illustrate teachers’ impact on student learning. Stiggins builds a compelling case for the development of a solid foundation of assessment competence throughout our educational system."Linda Darling-Hammond, Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education
Stanford University
"Stiggins helps us to understand what a travesty this misuse of standardized tests really is. He calls for a thoughtful approach to assessment that furthers the professionalization of teaching and the humanity of learning. This requires actually seeing teachers and students as people, not widgets. It’s not the message the profiteers want to hear about schools, but the right message for our children."Stephen Uebbing, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership
University of Rochester
In this concise, compelling, and readable book, Rick Stiggins explains clearly the extraordinary damage that has been done to America's youth by the belief that standardized testing is the only, or even the best, way to find out what students have learned. He also shows how more appropriate assessment , in which learners play a leading role, has the power to transform American education. Anyone interested in what is wrong with education in America today—and what we can do about it—should read this book.
Dylan Wiliam, Emeritus Professor of Educational AssessmentIn this concise, compelling, and readable book, Rick Stiggins explains clearly the extraordinary damage that has been done to America's youth by the belief that standardized testing is the only, or even the best, way to find out what students have learned. He also shows how more appropriate assessment , in which learners play a leading role, has the power to transform American education. Anyone interested in what is wrong with education in America today—and what we can do about it—should read this book.
Institute of Education, University of London
"Every once and awhile a book appears that is so honest, so sensible, and so impassioned that it must not be ignored. This is such a book, and it will make many education policy makers and assessment experts wince. Stiggins decries the damage done by poorly designed tests and thoughtless assessment practice. Thankfully, he doesn't stop with an indictment. Drawing on a half century of experience, Stiggins offers practical advice on how sound assessment practice can benefit all students."Dan Duke, Professor of Educational Leadership
University of Virginia
Other Titles in: Staff Supervision / Evaluation / Retention | Standards & Accountability | Student Assessment