Courageous Edventures
Are you ready for an edventure? Courageous Edventures will help you chart a course toward classroom innovation and problem-solve on the fly using educational technology.
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9781506318349
- Published By: Corwin
- Series: Corwin Teaching Essentials
- Year: 2016
- Page Count: 200
- Publication date: September 03, 2016
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Let’s go on an edventure! Do you want to innovate and take risks in your teaching? Looking for ways to troubleshoot common classroom challenges? Whatever obstacles you and your students face can turn into edventures, and this book will show you how to navigate them with grace, humor, and grit. Jennie Magiera charts a course for you to discover your own version of innovation, using the limitless possibilities of educational technology. You will learn:
- How to create your own Teacher-IEP (Innovation Exploration Plan)
- Keys to problem-based innovation (PBI)
- Strategies and solutions for tackling common classroom problems
- Methods for putting learning into the hands of students
- How to find innovation in everyday places
Packed with real-world, immediately applicable solutions to the problems teachers face in their classrooms every day,Courageous Edventures shows how technology can be a fun and easy tool to improve classroom management and student learning!
"Magiera leads people on a journey with some great ideas to get started in the classroom right now, or the inspiration to find your own way, leading to innovative ideas for learning and teaching."
George Couros, Author of The Innovator's Mindset and Innovative Teaching, Learning, and Leadership Consultant
"This book does a superb job of providing practical ideas and strategies on how to actually implement innovative practices in today's classroom. Her knowledge and experience as a change agent further strengthen the techniques presented and will help educators truly envision what's possible in classrooms today."
Eric Sheninger, Corwin Author and Senior Fellow
International Center for Leadership in Education

Jennie Magiera
Jennie Magiera always knew she wanted to be a teacher when she grew up. Throughout all of her roles starting as a Chicago Public Schools teacher to currently serving as the Chief Technology Officer for Des Plaines School District 62, she always made teaching and supporting students her priority. A White House Champion for Change, Apple Distinguished Educator, Google for Education Certified Innovator and TEDx Speaker, Jennie works to redefine teaching and learning through innovative new practices. She is also passionate about transforming professional learning, which she’s personally championed through her work on the Technical Working Group for the US Department of Education’s 2016 National Educational Technology Plan and co-founding PLAYDATE and other new conference concepts. Jennie has earned degrees from Phillips Exeter Academy, Columbia University and University of Illinois-Chicago. Aside from her students, Jennie's great loves in life are sci-fi, mashed potatoes, Tabasco sauce, her dog and her husband. You can find Jennie on Twitter at @MsMagiera or through her blog Teaching Like It’s 2999.
Table of Contents
About the Author
1. Come on in, the Future’s Fine
Me and the Three Little Pigs
From Houses to Ships
What Is Innovation?
Two Compass Options: The SAMR and TIM Frameworks
Deciding When to Use SAMR and When to Use TIM
Setting a Course for Innovation
2. Problem-Based Learning: It’s Not Just for Kids
Teacher Innovation Exploration Plan: An Individualized Education Program for Teachers
Identifying the Problem of Practice
Defining the Problem of Practice
Stepping Up to a Solution
Critical Friends
3. Getting Your Students Ready
Learning to SAIL: Student Innovation Teams
Don’t Touch
Go Slow
Be Kind
Staying Safe on the Open Sea: Digital Citizenship
What Is Digital Citizenship?
Respect for Ourselves
Respect for Others
4. Getting Your Materials Ready
Let the Students Lead the Way
Build a Management System
Rewrite Your Supply List
Tech Is Not a Treat
Less Is More
5. Falling in Love With Failure
Calling Forth Your Courage
Failing Forward
Student Failure
Teacher Failure
System Failure
6. Digging Into Differentiation
Problem: So Many Ability Groups, So Little Time
Suggestion: Clone the Teacher
Problem: Keeping Students Engaged During Small-Group Time
Suggestion 1: Choose Your Own Adventure Time
Suggestion 2: Self-Differentiating Challenges
Suggestion 3: Critical Friends
Problem: Finding Developmentally Appropriate Differentiated Content
Suggestion 1: Create Your Own Content
Suggestion 2: Digital Resources
Problem: How Do I Disseminate Materials to Students and Collect Their Work? (aka Digital Workflow)
Suggestion 1: Learning Management System
Suggestion 2: Google Classroom
Suggestion 3: Class Websites, QR Codes, and Google Forms
7. Rethinking Assessment
Problem: I Hate Grading!
Suggestion 1: Digital Student Response Software
Suggestion 2: Learning Management Systems Assessments
Suggestion 3: Online Forms
Problem: I Need to Differentiate Assessments Based on Individualized Education Program Accommodations and/or Modifications
Suggestion: Screencast Assessments
Problem: My Students Have a Hard Time Self-Assessing
Suggestion 1: Metacognitive Screencasting
Suggestion 2: Digital Portfolios
The Draw of Google Drawings
Problem: Teaching Students How to Give Peer Feedback
Suggestion 1: Google Drive
Suggestion 2: Google Drive and Google Forms
Suggestion 3: Blogging and Quadblogging
Accountability Without Assessment: Gamification and Achievement Badges
8. Creating a Positive Classroom Environment
Problem: Creating a Culture of Respect and Collaboration
Suggestion 1: Mood Check-Ins
Suggestion 2: Class Dojo for Encouraging Positive Action
Suggestion 3: Using Music to Set the Mood
Problem: Supporting Struggling Students
Suggestion 1: Blogging
Suggestion 2: Positivity Timelines
Problem: Communicating With Families
Suggestion 1: Class Dojo for Communication
Suggestion 2: Google Forms
Suggestion 3: Digital Newsletters/Class Blog
9. Planning for Powerful Learning
Problem: Finding Curricular Resources
Suggestion 1: Pinterest and EduClipper
Suggestion 2: Twitter and Google+
Suggestion 3: Blogs!
Problem: Scheduling Time for Collaborative Team Planning
Suggestion 1: Google Calendar
Suggestion 2:
Suggestion 3: Google Hangouts
Problem: Vertical Alignment—What’s the Rest of the School Teaching?
Suggestion 1: Google Drive
Suggestion 2: Shared Calendars
10. Power to the Pupil
Cultivate Curiosity: How Do I Build Curiosity?
Sorting Your Questions: Questdones and Questruns
Outwit Obstacles: How Do I Teach Perseverance?
Purposeful Playtime: How Do I Find the Time for Purposeful Play?
Reimagined Centers
20% Time
Open Scheduling
Bringing the Purpose to the Playtime: Entering Creation Station
Reflect, Reflect, Reflect
11. Discovering the Power of Voice
Amplifying Our Students
Step 1: Finding Their Inner Voice—Blogs Versus Diaries
Step 2: Sharing Their Voice With Others—Building Classroom Discussions and Backchanneling
Step 3: Teacher-Moderated Sharing—Dipping a Toe Into Social Media
Step 4: Opening the Garden Walls—Diving Into Social Media
12. With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
Revisiting Problem-Based Learning
Digging in to Problem-Based Learning
Step 1: Finding the Problem-Based Essential Question
Step 2: Developing the Challenge
Step 3: Rising to the Challenge
Step 4: Showcasing the Learning
The Role of the Teacher
Problem-Based Learning Spotlight—KidTREK: A Safe Journey App for Students
The Student Becomes the Master
13. Evaluating Your Practice
Looping in Your Critical Friend
Revisiting the SAMR and TIM Frameworks
Leveling Up With the SAMR Model
Approaching the Three Dimensions of the TIM
Sharing Your Adventure
Taking It a Step Further: Presenting Your Story
14. Staying Inspired and Finding Support
Creating a Professional Learning Network That Works
Professional Learning Communities and Professional Learning Networks
Cultivating Constructive Conflict
A Shared Space
Teacher-Led Learning Events
Formal Learning Events
Step 1: Go With a Goal in Mind
Step 2: Keep a Three-Dance Card
Step 3: Recruit Allies and Use Collaborative Tools
Step 4: Schedule Time With Yourself to Debrief Individually
Step 5: Pay It Forward
15. Planning Your Next Edventure
Be Your Own Hero
Don’t Get Comfortable
Channel Your Inner Student
Share Your Crazy Pills
Appendix A- Challenge Card Template
Appendix B- Teacher Innovation Exploration Plan (TIEP)
"This book is written for any educator looking to sail into an innovative classroom. Ms. Magiera uses humor and stories to identify with educators and help guide the reader through the transition of a traditional classroom to an innovative classroom. This book takes you on a journey and is packed with ideas, examples, and resources that would be invaluable to any educator."Kelly Fitzgerald, Online Learning Integration Specialist
Leander ISD
"A practical and resource-filled guide to using technology to true advantage in the classroom."Betsy Ruffin, Retired Educator, Technology Consultant
B Ruffin Enterprises, Cleburne, TX
"In Courageous Edventures, our innovative educaptain, Jennie Magiera, charts our course for the perfect blend of inspiration and practical and actionable ideas that can help to reinvigorate the classroom. A must read for new and veteran teachers alike that can remind us all why we teach."
Adam Bellow, Founder of EduTecher & EduClipper"In Courageous Edventures, our innovative educaptain, Jennie Magiera, charts our course for the perfect blend of inspiration and practical and actionable ideas that can help to reinvigorate the classroom. A must read for new and veteran teachers alike that can remind us all why we teach."
"Courageous Edventures shares both inspiring tidbits and practical strategies for changing a school, a classroom, or a lesson. Magiera provides a valuable blend of personal stories and applicable examples for educators in any setting. I encourage educators to read the book and think about how they can be more courageous in their own practice."Zachary Walker, Author of Teaching the Last Backpack Generation
National Institute of Education, Singapore
"Jennie Magiera does a superb job of providing practical ideas and strategies on how to actually implement innovative practices in today's classroom. Her knowledge and experience as a change agent further strengthen the techniques presented and will help educators truly envision what's possible in classrooms today."
Eric Sheninger, Corwin Author and Senior Fellow"Jennie Magiera does a superb job of providing practical ideas and strategies on how to actually implement innovative practices in today's classroom. Her knowledge and experience as a change agent further strengthen the techniques presented and will help educators truly envision what's possible in classrooms today."
International Center for Leadership in Education
"Courageous Edventures is full of insightful and actionable ideas for transforming your classroom. Magiera paints a picture of innovative teaching and learning that is accessible for educators at all stages of their career. I love Magiera’s student-centered approach to using technology to reach authentic audiences and the colorful stories from the classroom. This is a must-read for teachers searching for a road map for deeper learning!"Monica Burns, Author & Speaker, Apple Distinguished Educator, Founder of
"Principals, superintendents, and other leaders in education, share this book with your teachers now. Magiera’s thoughtful and delightful insight into the best of what’s happening in our schools will inspire new teachers and reinvigorate veterans to provide the classroom experiences our students need to thrive in and shape their world."Kevin Brookhouser, Author of The 20Time Project How Educators can Launch Google's Formula for Future-Ready Innovation
"Jennie Magiera leads people on a great journey through this book with some great ideas to get started in the classroom right now, or the inspiration to find your own way leading to innovative ideas for learning and teaching. A great book for those wanting to bring innovation to life in their classrooms."George Couros, Author of "The Innovator's Mindset" and Innovative Teaching, Learning, and Leadership Consultant
"This book is certainly courageous. Instead of offering a step-by-step guide for your next technology purchases, Jennie Magiera masterfully designed an ecology of learning that is rich not only in assorted learning technologies, but in learner experimentation, autonomy, collaboration, problem solving, reflection, and so much more. Her expansive approach to technology integration and the principles underlying it will be relevant for many years. Suffice to say, the ideas found on every page of this book will be just a as relevant a decade from now as they are today."
Curt Bonk, Professor, President"This book is certainly courageous. Instead of offering a step-by-step guide for your next technology purchases, Jennie Magiera masterfully designed an ecology of learning that is rich not only in assorted learning technologies, but in learner experimentation, autonomy, collaboration, problem solving, reflection, and so much more. Her expansive approach to technology integration and the principles underlying it will be relevant for many years. Suffice to say, the ideas found on every page of this book will be just a as relevant a decade from now as they are today."
Indiana University, CourseShare, LLC
"Jennie Mageira guides teachers as they navigate obstacles to discover classroom innovation in her new book, Courageous Edventures. She starts off asking teachers to be courageous and bold because true progress and innovation only happens when they disrupt the status quo and take big risks. Jennie knows how daunting this is for teachers so she thoughtfully created strategies so any teacher can feel safe and comfortable embarking on this journey. The book is organized in four sections based on a sailing metaphor that helps teachers prepare for their Edventure, navigate problems, empower students to set their own course, and then reflect on the journey. I highly recommend teachers and administrators to read Courageous Edventures to guide them and encourage discussions around changing teaching practice."Barbara Bray, Creative Learning Strategist and Co-author of Make Learning Personal and How to Personalize Learning
Oakland, CA
“Magiera takes us on a Courageous Edventure by outlining a blueprint for charting a new course while navigating rough waters in order to sail into the Great Beyond. Her words of wisdom, stemming from her career as a practitioner, are encouraging yet simultaneously challenging—challenging educators to create new, authentic learning experiences for all kids. Whether your setting is urban, suburban, or rural, Magiera will push your thinking, challenge the status quo, and support your work in developing Future Ready classrooms and schools. Courageous Edventures is a great read and a needed tool for your toolbox!”Thomas C. Murray, Director of Innovation
Future Ready Schools
"With Courageous Edventures, Jennie Magiera has created a book that is both powerful and accessible to teachers who want to transform their classrooms into more modern, active, empowering spaces. Magiera’s powerful voice and passion for the work shine through on every page, making this a fun read as well as a deeply helpful read as well."
Chris Lehmann, Founding Principal of Science Leadership Academy and Author of Building School 2.0"With Courageous Edventures, Jennie Magiera has created a book that is both powerful and accessible to teachers who want to transform their classrooms into more modern, active, empowering spaces. Magiera’s powerful voice and passion for the work shine through on every page, making this a fun read as well as a deeply helpful read as well."
"Courageous Edventures is as fun as it is wildly useful for teachers wanting to move from hope for more effective teaching and more satisfying professional experiences to realizing both. Magiera helpfully explores the general (building professional networks, reflecting collaboratively, etc.) and the specific (her brilliant "Gripe Jam," fascinating ways to use OK Go videos, and much more) in ways that will hold the attention of both veterans and newbies. This is a perfect book for those in teacher education programs and professional study teams at all kinds of schools."
Rushton Hurley, Educator and Executive Director"Courageous Edventures is as fun as it is wildly useful for teachers wanting to move from hope for more effective teaching and more satisfying professional experiences to realizing both. Magiera helpfully explores the general (building professional networks, reflecting collaboratively, etc.) and the specific (her brilliant "Gripe Jam," fascinating ways to use OK Go videos, and much more) in ways that will hold the attention of both veterans and newbies. This is a perfect book for those in teacher education programs and professional study teams at all kinds of schools."
Next Vista for Learning
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