Creating Equitable Classrooms Through Action Research

By: Cathy Caro-Bruce, Ryan Flessner, Mary Klehr, Kenneth Zeichner

Foreword by Elizabeth Burmaster

Utilize the power of action research to narrow the achievement gap!

This invaluable text illustrates how educators can use action research to confront the challenge of educational inequity at the school and district level. Helping practitioners formulate research questions, collect and analyze data, and communicate their findings, this resource is ideal for both a first-time action research project or one already in progress. Educators will find:

  • Ten action research studies on narrowing the achievement gap
  • Guidelines for implementing an action research project that supports culturally relevant instruction
  • Authentic stories and examples for discussion and reflection

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781412936675
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2007
  • Page Count: 328
  • Publication date: August 01, 2007
Price: $46.95
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"Recognizing the importance of race, class, gender, culture, and ability, the authors provide a window into the difficulties that professional educators grapple with as they face the challenge of teaching all children. This text is both authentic and practical, and it demystifies the issues of equity that pervade today's classrooms."
—Diane Yendol-Hoppey, Associate Professor
University of Florida, Gainsville

"Action research of this caliber on the subject of equity is critically needed for all children to have access to the same level of rigor and high standards. This is a must-read for districtsthat really want to turn action research into action that affects student learning."
—Terry Morganti-Fisher, Director of Professional Development
Austin Independent School District, TX

Utilize the power of action research to narrow the achievement gap!

Despite the best intentions of reform efforts, educational inequity continues to exist in public schools. Creating Equitable Classrooms Through Action Research confronts this challenge head-on and shows educators how they can use action research to both raise student achievement and strengthen instructional leadership.

Ideal for both a first-time action research endeavor or one already in progress, this practical guidebook helps practitioners formulate specific research questions, collect and analyze data, and communicate their findings. Educators will discover:

  • Ten action research studies on narrowing the achievement gap
  • Guidelines for implementing an action research project that supports culturally relevant instruction
  • Authentic examples for discussion and reflection

Invaluable for school district leaders, teachers, professional development schools, and preservice teachers, this resource for systemwide improvement efforts helps schools provide more equitable learning environments for all children.

Read a review published in Networks: An On-Line Journalfor Teacher Research.

Key features

  • Includes 10 action research studies that focus on equity, race, and the achievement gap
  • Explains how to implement a school-wide or district wide action research program that will promote equity and help close the achievement gap

Table of Contents




About the Editors

About the Contributors

Part I. How Action Research Can Promote Equity

1. Classroom Action Research With a Focus on Equity

2. Implementing a School District Action Research Program

Part II. Action Research Studies

3. Been There Done That: Student Inquiry About High School Dropouts

4. What Strategies Can I Incorporate So That the English Language Learners in My Classroom Will Better Understand Oral Directions?

5. Understanding High School Black Male Students' Achievement and School Experience

6. What Teacher Behaviors Encourage One At-Risk African-American Boy to be a Productive Member of Our Classroom Community?

7. But Then It Got Real

8. We Want to Work With Our Friends

9. Ribbons, Racism, and a Placenta: The Challenges and Surprises of Culturally Relevant Teaching

10. Conclusions on Using a Constructivist Approach in a Heterogeneous Classroom

11. Using African American Students' Preference for Working in Self-Selected Partnerships to Promote Math Achievement

12. Crossing Bridges of Culture, Color, and Language

Part III. Conclusion

13. Tying It All Together: Implications for Classrooms, Schools, and Districts



Price: $46.95
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This book is not available as a review copy.