
Courageous Conversations About Race

A Field Guide for Achieving Equity in Schools and Beyond
Third Edition (Updated Edition)
By: Glenn E. Singleton

Courageous Conversations about Race empowers you to break the silence and open an authentic dialogue that forges a path to progress for racial equity.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781071847121
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2021
  • Page Count: 312
  • Publication date: August 17, 2021
Price: $41.95
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Deepen the dialogue to address racial disparities in your organization

Schools, like all organizations, face a nearly insurmountable hurdle when addressing racial inequities—the inability to talk candidly about race. In this timely update, author Glenn Singleton enables you to break the silence and open an authentic dialogue that forges a path to progress for racial equity. The third edition offers new coverage of the structural inequities in schools and society that have been exposed by the pandemic as well as heightened public awareness of racial injustice.

Courageous Conversations about Raceallows you to deepen your personal understanding of race and its impact on all students. You will discover how to apply the strategy and protocol to

  • Embrace the four agreements—stay engaged, speak your truth, experience discomfort and accept non-closure—to deepen interracial dialogue

  • Build a foundation for advancing equity using the Six Conditions of Courageous Conversation

  • Examine the role of race in your life using the Courageous Conversation Compass to understand and guide your actions

  • Expand your capacity to lead others on the journey in addressing institutional racism disparities

This guide empowers you with practical tools and insights to successfully challenge racist policies and practice in schools and beyond. It is your call to leadership—one that will impact student achievement and drive systemic transformation.


Glenn E. Singleton photo

Glenn E. Singleton

Glenn Singleton has devoted over thirty years to constructing racial equity worldwide and developing leaders to do the same. Author, thought leader, and strategist, he is the creator of Courageous Conversation a protocol and framework for sustained, deepened dialogue, and Beyond Diversity, the curriculum that has taught hundreds of thousands of people how to use it. Glenn is the Founder and President of Courageous Conversation TM, an agency that guides leadership development in education, government, corporation, law enforcement, and community organizing. He is the award-winning author of Courageous Conversations About Race; A Field Guide for Achieving Equity in Schools, Second Edition; and of MORE Courageous Conversations About Race.

Glenn has consulted executives at Wieden + Kennedy (W+K) Advertising, Google, Amazon, Procter & Gamble, the New York Department of Education, the New Zealand Ministry of Education, the Stavros Niarchos, Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library and the Bill & Melinda Gates foundations. Along with W+K, he received the 2017 Most Valuable Partnership (MVP) Award by AdColor. He is the recipient of the George A. Coleman Excellence in Equity Award by the Connecticut State Education Resource Center. Cited in the June 2018 edition of the Hollywood Reporter for his work with 21st Century Fox Animation, most recently, Glenn was awarded the AdWeek/AdColor 2020 Champion Award, and the 2020 National Speech and Debate Association Communicator of the Year Award. In 1995, Glenn founded the Foundation for A College Education and continues to serve on its Board of Advisors. He is also the founder and Board Chair of the Courageous Conversation Global Foundation, which develops partnerships to promote racial justice, interracial understanding and human healing worldwide.

Glenn has trained law enforcement leaders with the U.S. Embassy in Western Australia, and established the Courageous Conversation South Pacific Institute in Auckland, New Zealand. For eight years, he served as an adjunct professor of educational leadership at San Jose State University. Glenn has been a guest lecturer at Harvard University and has instructed faculty, students and administrators at the University of Minnesota, New York University School of Medicine, and the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and Stanford University, Glenn Singleton is a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. and 100 Black Men. He currently resides in Washington, D.C.

Table of Contents


About the Author


Chapter 1. Breaking the Silence: Ushering in Courageous Conversation About Race

Racial Achievement Disparities and Other Systemic Racial Inequities

Three Critical Factors

The Courageous Conversation Strategy and Protocol


Chapter 2. What’s So Courageous About This Conversation?

Courageous Conversation

A Difficult Conversation

Chapter 3. Why Race?

The Problem of the Color Line

Racial Disparity

Race as a Factor in Education and Beyond

Dealing With Race

Establishing Common Language Around Race

Do We Have the Will?

Chapter 4. Agreeing to Talk About Race

Racial Consciousness

Four Agreements of Courageous Conversation


Chapter 5. The First Condition: Getting Personal, Right Here and Right Now

Personal, Local, and Immediate

The Impact of Race on My Life

Degree of Racial Consciousness

Racial Consciousness Versus Racial Unconsciousness

Chapter 6. The Second Condition: Keeping the Spotlight on Race

Isolating Race

Unpacking Race

Chapter 7. The Third Condition: Engaging Multiple Racial Perspectives

Social Construction of Knowledge

Surfacing Critical Perspectives

Chapter 8. The Fourth Condition: Keeping Us All at the Table

Interracial Dialogue

Creating Safety

The Courageous Conversation Compass

Chapter 9. The Fifth Condition: What Do You Mean By “Race”?

A Brief History of Race

A Working Definition of Race

Chapter 10. The Sixth Condition: Let’s Talk About Whiteness

White Is a Color

White Privilege

White Is a Culture

White Consciousness

Whiteness as Examined in the Five Conditions

White Racial Identity Development


Chapter 11. How Racial Equity Leaders Eliminate Systemic Racial Disparities

Invisibility Versus Hypervisibility

Understanding Students of Color and Indigenous Students Within a White School

Understanding Systemic White Racism

The Injustice of Gradualism and Incremental Change

Chapter 12. Exploring a Systemic Framework for Achieving Equity in Schools

A Vision of Equity

Systemic Racial Equity Transformation

Chapter 13. Courageous Conversation as a Strategy for Achieving Equity in Schools

Personal Racial Equity Leadership

Individual Teacher Racial Equity Leadership

Whole-School Racial Equity Leadership

Systemic Racial Equity Leadership

References and Selected Bibliography


Price: $41.95
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