Classrooms Under the Influence

Addicted Families/Addicted Students
Despite the prevalence of addiction in our society, we remain remarkably ignorant of the effects of addictive behaviour in classrooms - and unprepared to deal with the consequences.

The authors of this book combine their own experiences of family and individual addictions with research to provide an accessible resource for understanding and dealing effectively with addiction. Classrooms Under the Influence provides suggestions for developing a classroom plan for assessing, intervening and preventing inappropriate behaviours for both addicted students and those who live with addicts. Readers are also encouraged to identify ways in which their own addictive behaviours may have a negative impact on the health and productivity of classrooms.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9780803961029
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 1995
  • Page Count: 168
  • Publication date: January 18, 1995
Price: $31.95
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Despite the prevalence of addiction in our society, we remain remarkably ignorant of the effects of addictive behaviour in classrooms - and unprepared to deal with the consequences.

The authors of this book combine their own experiences of family and individual addictions with research to provide an accessible resource for understanding and dealing effectively with addiction. Classrooms Under the Influence provides suggestions for developing a classroom plan for assessing, intervening and preventing inappropriate behaviours for both addicted students and those who live with addicts. Readers are also encouraged to identify ways in which their own addictive behaviours may have a negative impact on the health and productivity of classrooms.


Stanley J. Zehm photo

Stanley J. Zehm

Stanley J. Zehm was Professor and former Chair of Instructional and Curricular Studies at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, prior to his death in 1999. He also worked as Adjunct Professor at Heritage College, where he had previously served as Dean of Education. He worked as both an elementary and secondary teacher for 15 years and as a counselor, and he held several administrative positions, including superintendent. He earned his doctorate in English education from Stanford University. He also possessed degrees and specialized training in philosophy, counseling, English, and theology. In addition to his experience in schools, he practiced as a family and child counselor. He was the author of numerous articles in professional journals, as well as several books for teachers and school administrators.
Jeffrey A. Kottler photo

Jeffrey A. Kottler

Jeffrey A. Kottler is one of the most prolific authors in the fields of counseling, psychotherapy, and education, having written more than 90 books about a wide range of subjects. He has authored a dozen texts for counselors and therapists that are used in universities around the world and a dozen books each for practicing therapists and educators. Some of his most highly regarded works include Creative Breakthroughs in Therapy, The Mummy at the Dining Room Table: Eminent Therapists Reveal Their Most Unusual Cases and What They Teach Us About Human Behavior, Bad Therapy, The Client Who Changed Me, Divine Madness, Change: What Leads to Personal Transformation, Stories We’ve Heard, Stories We’ve Told: Life-Changing Narratives in Therapy and Everyday Life, and Therapy Over 50. He has been an educator for 40 years, having worked as a teacher, counselor, and therapist in preschool, middle school, mental health center, crisis center, nongovernmental organization, university, community college, private practice, and disaster relief settings. He has served as a Fulbright scholar and senior lecturer in Peru and Iceland, as well as worked as a visiting professor in New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Nepal. He is professor of counseling at California State University, Fullerton.

Table of Contents

Lives Outside the Boundary

Stories of Addiction

Shields and Bucklers

What Teachers Should Know about Addiction

Crazy Making

How Addiction Affects the Classroom

So Many Places to Hide

The Special Challenges for Teachers

Boundaries and Barriers

Understanding Toxic Families

Taking the Right Path

What to Avoid in the Classroom

Breaking through the Barriers

What to Do in the Classroom

Everyone Can Win

Toward an Addiction-Free Learning Environment

Searching for Balance

Confronting Our Own Addictions

Price: $31.95
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