Building Bridges From Early to Intermediate Literacy, Grades 2-4

By: Sarah F. Mahurt, Ruth E. Metcalfe, Margaret A. Gwyther

Foreword by Margaret Mooney

How can teachers help their primary students become competent intermediate readers and writers?

The authors demonstrate how teachers can meet the instructional needs of students in transition from one literacy level to the next. The text offers practical guidance and classroom-tested strategies to help both struggling readers and advanced learners reach new levels of competency in reading and writing. Educators will find:

  • Specialized assessment tools and instructional techniques for word study, reading, and writing
  • Detailed examples of reading and writing instruction
  • Methods for integrating language arts with science and social studies
  • Charts to track students' progress
  • A teacher's reflection section in each chapter

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: 2-4
  • ISBN: 9781412949637
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2007
  • Page Count: 128
  • Publication date: May 08, 2007
Price: $34.95
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"Gives us an inside view of what children should experience in the primary grades and shows us how we can build them up to new experiences in the intermediate grades. A great resource for vertical team collaborations, teachers who are transitioning from teaching primary to intermediate grades or vice versa, teachers in multiage classrooms, and teacher education classes."
—Helena Stevens, Intermediate Literacy Coach
Ricardo Richards Elementary School, Kingshill, Virgin Islands

"Full of practical, everyday ideas to implement immediately. Offers true student examples that teachers see and experience daily."
—Scott Kovatch, Principal
Horizon Elementary School, Granger, IN

How can teachers help their primary students become competent intermediate readers and writers?

Supporting students as they advance from beginning to intermediate literacy levels poses a unique challenge for teachers. In Building Bridges From Early to Intermediate Literacy, Grades 2–4, Sarah F. Mahurt, Ruth E. Metcalfe, and Margaret A. Gwyther show how teachers can meet the instructional needs of students in transition from one level to the next. The authors offer practical guidance and classroom-tested strategies that demonstrate how thoughtful instruction can help each student reach new levels of competency in reading and writing.

This invaluable resource shows teachers how to examine and refine their instructional practices to more effectively meet the needs of all the students in their classrooms, whether they are struggling readers or advanced learners. Educators will find:

  • Specialized assessment tools and instructional strategies for word study, reading, and writing
  • Detailed examples of reading and writing instruction
  • Methods for integrating language arts with science and social studies
  • Charts to track students' progress
  • A teacher's reflection section at the end of each chapter

Written by experienced literacy educators, this accessible text helps ensure that all students confidently cross the bridge from the primary to the intermediate grades.

Key features

  • Provides primary and intermediate teachers with a repertoire of strategies to help students progress from beginning to intermediate literacy levels
  • Shows classroom scenarios of reading and writing instruction in progress
  • Supports transition from Reading First to next-stage readers
  • Provides charts to track students' growth in reading, writing and word study.
  • Helps teachers meet the needs of NCLB subgroups while advancing successful readers
  • Includes assessment tools specialized for this important stage of reading


Sarah F. Mahurt photo

Sarah F. Mahurt

Sarah F. Mahurt is the director of the Purdue Literacy Collaborative and associate professor of literacy and language at Purdue. Through her leadership, the Purdue Literacy Collaborative has trained more than 80 literacy coordinators to be literacy leaders and coaches in their schools. This project has reached more than 800 teachers who are improving their teaching of literacy and student achievement in literacy. She recently received the Department of Curriculum and Instruction’s Engagement Award for this school reform effort.

Mahurt's publications include articles on the integration of reading and writing, teacher development, and Caribbean children’s literature. She has also made numerous presentations on literacy teaching and learning in elementary schools and school reform in literacy education. She has consulted with schools and districts focusing on school improving student achievement in reading and writing. She recently chaired a committee to develop a statewide network of educators in Indiana who are focused on improving writing instruction.

In more than 25 years as an educator, Mahurt has worked as a classroom teacher, reading specialist, and university professor. She was awarded the Celebrate Literacy Award from the St. Croix Chapter of the International Reading Association and the Alpha Kappa Alpha Outstanding Educator Award for her literacy work in St. Croix, Virgin Islands. She was also received the Teaching Excellence Award at the University of the Virgin Islands.

Ruth E. Metcalfe photo

Ruth E. Metcalfe

Ruth Metcalfe has been a literacy coordinator and teacher for Goshen Community Schools in Goshen, Indiana. She has a masters degree in elementary education and she completed a year-long course to become a literacy coordinator. During her 16 years as an educator, she has taught first, second, and fourth grades and provided professional development and coaching at the building level. She is currently released from teaching to work full time with all first and second year primary teachers and provide support to other primary literacy coordinators throughout the district.

In addition to her work as a teacher and staff developer, Ruth has been literacy consultant for elementary schools. She has presented at national conferences with a focus on reading and writing in second grade as a transition to the intermediate grades. She has also presented at state conferences on comprehension and language development.

Ruth completed action research in her own classroom to determine how what she learned impacted her practice. She also researched the impact of Literacy Collaborative on first graders in her school, looking at English language learners and children who were new to the school.

Ruth infuses her classroom with joyful and powerful teaching. She also enjoys working with teachers on how theory looks when put into practice in the classroom – the place where theory and practice meet. She is passionate about literacy, children, teaching and learning.

Margaret A. Gwyther photo

Margaret A. Gwyther

Margaret Ann Gwyther is a national literacy consultant and coach. She facilitates adult learning through ongoing professional development and coaching. She has been a keynote presenter at local, state, regional, national, and international conferences focusing on literacy, Reading Recovery, and distance delivery technology and consults with universities, schools, and school districts throughout the country to provide ongoing assistance in improving literacy instruction and children’s learning. She spent eight years training coaches through Literacy Collaborative at the Ohio State University and Purdue University.

Margaret’s wide-range of experiences in teaching, coaching, and education administration are the basis for her intense interest in children’s literacy and their learning as well as the professional development of teachers. She has been an elementary teacher, a middle school and high school athletic coach, a high school activity director and vice principal, a Reading Recovery teacher leader as well as a professional development director.

Margaret has traveled extensively leading students on athletic tours and teachers on education tours in various foreign countries. She established the Alaska Distance Delivery pilot project in collaboration with the Ohio State University for training Reading Recovery teachers in villages and communities across the state and above the Arctic Circle. These experiences provide a strong base for understanding how schools work, the development of teachers, and children’s learning.

Table of Contents

List of Figures




About the Authors

1. Introduction

Teaching for Independence

Teaching for Strategic Action

Struggling Readers and English Language Learners

How Children Grow as Readers and Writers

Literacy Instruction During Transition


2. Assessment

Getting Started

Word Study



Anecdotal Notes

Running Records

Conference Notes

Using Assessment

Finding Time


3. Word Study

Learning About Words

Phonological and Phonemic Awareness


Structural Analysis

High-Frequency Words


Word Walls and Charts

Linking to the Real Work of Reading and Writing


4. Reading

Getting to Know a Reader in Transition

Developing Stamina

Changes in Work Stations

Gradually Decreasing Small-Group Guided Reading

Using Reading Mini Lessons

Teaching Children How to Choose Books

Literature Circles

Strengthening Comprehension

Shared Reading for Comprehension and Fluency

Shifting Responses to Text

Writing More Developed Responses to Reading

Sharing Time


5. Writing

Making Instructional Decisions

Modeled Writing

Shared Writing

Interactive Writing

Writing Workshop

Mini Lessons

Independent Writing and Conferring



6. Pulling It All Together

Integrating Within the Language Arts

Integrating Language Arts With Science and Social Studies

Planning the Nonfiction Project

Preparing for the Nonfiction Project

Literacy Lessons on Nonfiction






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