Updated Edition of Bestseller
Bringing Out the Best in Teachers
What Effective Principals Do
Third Edition
Teachers reveal how principals can empower them to perform their best!
This third edition of the bestseller offers a wealth of first-person accounts drawn from hundreds of teachers who share the strategies of outstanding principals who influenced them. New material examines the original findings alongside recent literature on transformational leadership, school productivity, and adult learning, as well as ISLLC and ELCC standards. Such comparisons underscore the impact of school leadership practices that allow leaders to:
- Use the power of praise
- Influence others by using expectations and involvement
- Encourage professional autonomy
- Lead by standing behind
- Use formal authority in a positive way
Product Details
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9781412965200
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2008
- Page Count: 176
- Publication date: July 23, 2008
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