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Bright Brain (TM) (Video Kit)

Learning Readiness Stimulators

Formerly a publication of The Brain Store

This easy-to-follow brain fitness program for children ages 4-8 includes ways to stimulate neurons and grow intelligence through problem solving, nutrition, exercise, enriching environments, and positive feedback.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9780963783264
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2007
  • Page Count: 0
  • Publication date: December 15, 2006
Price: $108.95
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Formerly a publication of The Brain Store

This easy-to-follow brain fitness program for children ages 4-8 includes ways to stimulate neurons and grow intelligence through problem-solving, nutrition, exercise, enriching environments, and positive feedback.

Based on research showing that the brain changes, grows, and adapts to stimulus and input, this resource provides activities known as neural activators, or learning readiness stimulators, that help develop areas of the brain critical to learning readiness. Teachers will find the theoretical background for making appropriate decisions in the classroom to help strengthen students':

  • Attention span
  • Motivation
  • Writing skills
  • Self esteem
  • Reading skills
  • Overall school preparedness

Video 1 run time: 21 min
Video 2 run time: 13 min


Eric P. Jensen photo

Eric P. Jensen

Eric Jensen is a former teacher who grew up in San Diego, California. With a Ph.D. in Human Development, he synthesizes brain research and develops practical applications for educators.

He is listed among the top 30 educators in the world at GlobalGurus.org. Dr. Jensen has authored over 30 books, including Different Brains, Different Learners, Teaching with the Brain in Mind, Turnaround Tools for the Teenage Brain, Teaching with Poverty in Mind, Engaging Students with Poverty in Mind, and Poor Students Rich Students. Dr. Jensen co-founded an academic enrichment program held in 14 countries with over 75,000 graduates. He is a member of the invitation-only Society for Neuroscience and the President’s Club at Salk Institute of Biological Studies.

Dr. Jensen provides conference speaking and trainings that can be found at
jensenlearning.com. Or, contact: eric@jensenlearning.com.

Price: $108.95
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Review Copies

This book is not available as a review copy.