Becoming an Evocative Coach

A Practice Guide for the Study of Evocative Coaching and Evoking Greatness

Becoming an Evocative Coach: A Practice Guide for the Study of Evocative Coaching and Evoking Greatness will allow coaches to reflect on their learning and put evocative coaching strategies into practice.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781071820148
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2020
  • Page Count: 128
  • Publication date: September 03, 2020
Price: $22.95
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Coaching Teachers and Leaders to Greatness

Research shows that coaching is the best way to bring about robust change in both instructional and leadership practices. Coaching becomes evocative when it is a person-centered, strengths-based model grounded in adult learning theory, focused on growth.

Designed as a companion to both Evocative Coaching: Transforming Schools One Conversation at a Time, 2nd Edition and Evoking Greatness: Coaching to Bring Out the Best in Educational Leaders, this guide will allow coaches to reflect on their learning and put evocative coaching strategies into practice. Readers will learn how to:

Follow the LEAD (listen, emphasize, appreciate, design) process to become a partner in professional learning
Engage in coaching conversations as they develop evocative coaching skills through various activities that invite reflection
Develop instructional coaching and leadership skills that foster innovation

This interactive guide is meant to be used by participants of an evocative coaching workshop, members of a book study group or PLC, a self-study reader, or anyone who wants to coach teachers and leaders to greatness.


Jeanie Cash photo

Jeanie Cash

Jeanie Cash is the Co-founder of Lead Learner Associates. She retired as the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services in the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District in Southern California after 33 years in education. She taught elementary and middle school and served as a principal for 14 years. For 13 years, Jeanie was the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services for two large suburban districts in Southern California. She serves as a coach and consultant for both the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) and for Leadership Associates. Jeanie has had several articles published on leadership. She coaches both district and site leaders and provides leadership development training throughout California. Jeanie is the past- president of ACSA’s State Council for Curriculum, Instruction and Accountability. She led ACSA’s Southern California Academy for Curriculum and Instructional Leaders for several years. For the past 28 summers she has been a team leader and coach for ACSA administrative training programs at UCLA. Jeanie has received numerous awards in her professional career including Curriculum and Instruction Leader of the Year for Orange County in 2011, the CASCD Outstanding Educational Leader Award and, in 1997 was honored in Washington D.C. as NAESP’s National Distinguished Principal. her M.A. from the University of La Verne.

Donnita Davis-Perry photo

Donnita Davis-Perry

Donnita Davis-Perry joined the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) Training and Technical Assistance Center (T/TAC) at William and Mary in 2002, with 30+ years of experience as a general and special educator. At T/TAC Donni provides professional learning sessions and follow along coaching to support educators to full implementation of evidence-based practices. Donni has expertise as an Instructional Consultation Team (ICT) facilitator and coaches new ICT members to enhance, improve, and increase student and staff performance nationwide. Donni has multiple coaching certifications and is the lead certifier for Evocative Coaches at the Center for School Transformation and Lead Learner Associates. Donni’s areas of expertise include assistance with instructional and leadership coaching, student progress monitoring, formative assessment, learning strategies, inclusive practices, providing specially designed instruction to students with disabilities, project based learning and co-teacher collaboration. She earned a M.Ed. in Education from Old Dominion University.

George Manthey photo

George Manthey

George Manthey is the Co-founder of Lead Learner Associates. He retired as the Assistant Executive Director, Educational Services, of the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) after 40 years in education. He taught elementary school as a regular classroom teacher and taught both elementary and middle school students as a special day class teacher and resource specialist. He was an elementary school principal for 10 years in the San Francisco Bay Area. George served as Assistant Executive Director of ACSA from 2006 to 2013, responsible for all of ACSA’s educational programs and conferences. In addition to his work with Lead Learner Associates, George serves as the Program Coordinator for all educational credential coaches in the ACSA program in the Silicon Valley. George has received a number of awards including the Whitney Foundation Award for Outstanding Contributions to Education (1984) and the California Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development’s highest honor – the Helen Heffernan Award for Outstanding Instructional Leadership (2012). He has written over 60 columns for Leadership magazine as well as numerous articles that have been published in Leadership, the School Administrator, Learning Environments Research Journal, and Educational Leadership. George earned his Ed.D. from the University of California, Santa Cruz.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Megan Tschannen-Moran

Chapter One: Practice for Chapter One

Activity 1.1 Interview

Activity 1.2 Adult Learning Reflection

Activity 1.3 Adult Learning Characteristics

Activity 1.4 Coaching Demonstration

Activity 1.5 Coaching Demonstration for LEAD

Activity 1.6 Coaching Platform

Chapter Two: Practice for Coaching Presence

Activity 2.1 Coach as Whisperer

Activity 2.2 Exploring Trust

Activity 2.3 Brainstorming

Activity 2.4 Creative Energy Check In

Activity 2.5 Reflection without Judgment

Activity 2.6 Importance of Trust

Activity 2.7 Coaching Energies

Activity 2.8 Coaching Practice

Activity 2.9 Coaching Presence

Chapter Three: Practice for Listen for Stories

Activity 3.1 Mindful Listening

Activity 3.2 Story Listening

Activity 3.3 Quiet Listening

Activity 3.4 Reflective Listening

Activity 3.5 Imaginative Listening

Chapter Four: Practice for Empathize for Connection

Activity 4.1 Observations without Evaluation

Activity 4.2 Distinguishing Feelings from Thoughts

Activity 4.3 Distinguishing between Needs and Strategies

Activity 4.4 Feelings and Needs

Activity 4.5 Empathy Statements

Activity 4.6 Restating Causal Attributions

Activity 4.7 Compassionate Listening Interview

Interlude: The Learning Brief

Activity - Learning Brief Template

Chapter Five: Practice for Appreciate Strengths

Activity 5.1 Appreciative Inquiry

Activity 5.2 Appreciative Inquiry Principles

Activity 5.3 SOAR

Chapter Six: Practice for Design for Action

Activity 6.1 Hypothesis

Activity 6.2 Relevance

Activity 6.3 Strategies

Activity 6:4 Data Collection

Activity 6.5 Confidence Level

Activity 6.6 A Complete Coaching Conversation

Chapter Seven: Practice for the Dynamic Flow of Change

Activity 7.1 Flow

Activity 7.2 Environmental Factors

Activity 7.3 Immunity to Change

Activity 7.4 Coaching Traps

Chapter Eight: Practice for the Reflective Coach

Activity 8.1 Reflecting on Action

Activity 8.2 Feedback

Activity 8.3 VIA Strengths Survey

Activity 8.4 Cultivating Strengths

Activity 8.5 Your New Coaching Platform



Price: $22.95
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