A Teacher's Guide to Change
Understanding, Navigating, and Leading the Process
Energize your learning community by transforming change into opportunity!
Ideal for use both in professional development settings and as a personal resource, this book provides a step-by-step approach that engages K–12 teachers in learning to prepare for change, which enhances their career satisfaction and effectiveness as professionals. Offering a wealth of conceptual, reflective, interpersonal, and strategic tools, this guide also includes:
- Survey results from more than 100 teachers who share their experiences with change
- Reflective exercises to help teachers understand and approach change
- A five-step process for initiating and implementing change
- Systematic strategies for leading change in small and larger arenas
Product Details
- Grade Level: K-12
- ISBN: 9781412964470
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2009
- Page Count: 176
- Publication date: September 11, 2009
Review Copies
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