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13 Proven Ways to Get Your Message Across

The Essential Reference for Teachers, Trainers, Presenters, and Speakers

Here's just the help you need to make sure your presentation practices are sound and effective. Brewer presents thirteen different effective ways for you to present your information to small or large groups. The author defines, describes, and discusses each method. He gives you step-by-step procedures for using the methods and outlines appropriate uses for each one, as well as applicable cautions.

You'll soon:

  • Recharge your teaching or presenting "batteries" by reviewing fundamental skills
  • Expand your repertoire of specialized skills to reach various types of audiences
  • Be able to see more easily which method is most appropriate for which topic and audience
  • Become a better, more efficient teacher, presenter, or trainer

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9780803966420
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 1997
  • Page Count: 128
  • Publication date: August 04, 1997
Price: $34.95
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Here's just the help you need to make sure your presentation practices are sound and effective. Brewer presents thirteen different effective ways for you to present your information to small or large groups. The author defines, describes, and discusses each method. He gives you step-by-step procedures for using the methods and outlines appropriate uses for each one, as well as applicable cautions.

You'll soon:

  • Recharge your teaching or presenting "batteries" by reviewing fundamental skills
  • Expand your repertoire of specialized skills to reach various types of audiences
  • Be able to see more easily which method is most appropriate for which topic and audience
  • Become a better, more efficient teacher, presenter, or trainer

Whether you're a classroom teacher, staff developer, teacher educator, or workshop speaker, this practical guide has the information you need to make sure you're getting through to your audience. This workbook includes a checklist you can use to decide which method will work best for the presentation situation you face. The pros and cons of each method are highlighted to make it easier for you to find the best match.

The author also offers planning and evaluation worksheets to use with each method described. If you want to make sure that you're getting through to your audience—whether it's your students or any other group you're presenting to—this guide will help. It's filled with the hands-on instruction you need to get your message across.


Ernest W. Brewer photo

Ernest W. Brewer

Ernest W. Brewer is Professor and Principal Investigator/Director in the Department of Human Resource Development and Department Head of Child and Family Studies at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK). He is currently servinig as the Principal Investigator/Project Director of six federally funded grants.

Table of Contents


Small-Group Discussion


Case Study



Inquiry Method

Buzz Groups

Programmed Instruction

Directed Study




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Price: $34.95
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