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Minding the Future - Book Cover

Minding the Future

Revitalizing Learning Cultures Through Teacher Leadership
By: Angeline A. Anderson, Susan K. Borg, Stephanie L. Edgar

A joint publication with Learning Forward

The story of this boundary-breaking professional-learning process—centered on teacher voice — comes with action steps, strategies, inspiring vignettes,research connections, discussion questions, activities, and prompts.

Full description

Minding the Future - Book Cover
Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781544318288
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2018
  • Page Count: 168
  • Publication date: September 11, 2018

Price: $39.95

Price: $39.95
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Harness the power of teacher collaboration and engagement to see real results for students!

Welcome to Transform Academy, where committed teachers become teacher leaders, empowered to revitalize learning cultures while keeping the future in mind. This boundary-breaking professional-learning process—centered on teacher voice and grounded in foundations of collaboration and data-informed planning—challenges schools to move beyond accountability standards and toward innovative learning that ignites student engagement.

As you follow the story of Transform Academy, you’ll find accompanying action steps to help you implement the process, along with strategies to inspire personalized instruction and redesign learning environments. Other supports include:

  • Detailed and inspiring vignettes
  • Relevant research connections
  • Questions for discussion
  • Activities and prompts for individuals and teams
  • Links to professional-learning standards

Follow Transform Academy’s journey of discovery, and see the results for yourself.

Minding the Future outlines a very clear framework for how a school might reimagine professional learning in support of results for students. What’s especially helpful are the tools and resources that will help educators through every step of the process. Thank you for bringing this great resource to the field!
Frederick Brown, Deputy Executive Director,
Learning Forward

If you’ve been searching for proven strategies on creating a vision, planning, and establishing a learning culture ready for transformation, this is it. Written with knowledge only gained from experience, Minding the Future presents readers with clear plans, brought to life with anecdotes and stories, to lead their own professional learning transformations. This book is for educators wishing to embrace the future head-on and hand in hand!
Linda Macias, Associate Superintendent,
Cypress-Fairbanks ISD, Houston, TX

Key features

  • Story - each chapter begins with WHY this is important with a story to illustrate key ideas while focusing on an example application of the chapter theme. The stories will contain example situations to assist the reader in picturing the ideas in a school or classroom.
  • Research - each chapter contains WHAT research from reputable authors is relevant to the chapter theme as well as action research in schools to support the ideas presented.
  • Plan for Professional Learning - each chapter provides the HOW to and application and connection to the stories and research and the experiences in the school and classroom.
  • Questions for Discussion - each chapter contains guiding questions for the participants to consider when discussing and implementing the innovative change process.
  • Professional Learning Activities - each chapter includes activities designed to engage individual teachers, teacher teams, campus leadership teams and district leadership teams in making their thinking visible and providing a stimulus for conversations that lead to action.
  • Standards for Professional Learning - each chapter is linked to the professional development standards of learningforward . This will assist readers with connections needed for professional growth and evaluation systems as well as requirements for funding agencies.


Angeline A. Anderson photo

Angeline A. Anderson

Angeline Anderson, Ph.D. is currently an independent educational consultant. She is formerly the Executive Director for Instruction in a large suburban school district in Texas, where she oversaw the activities of 124 staff members whose mission was to provide high quality curriculum, assessments, media services, and professional development to district teachers and staff. Her experience as an educator includes classroom teacher, counselor, administrator, program evaluator, statistician, and district leader. Dr. Anderson has served students and teachers in Florida, Texas, and California. Her work and interests include social cognitive theory, quality schools, strategic planning, curriculum development, instructional technology, response to intervention, and leadership. She has presented at state and national conferences on a variety of strategies to transform instructional processes using technology integration.

Susan K. Borg photo

Susan K. Borg

Susan K. Borg, EdD, is a clinical assistant professor at San Houston State University where she supervises the superintendent certification program and teaches graduate-level principal preparation courses. Susan is also a senior associate at N2 Learning, an educational consulting company. She is formerly the associate superintendent for instruction and student services in a suburban school district in Texas, supervising the academic programs for approximately 50,000 students. Dr. Borg facilitated the collaboration of six instructional and data accountability departments at the district level with 44 campuses, prekindergarten through Grade 12. Dr. Borg served the field of education for 34 years in a variety of roles as a teacher, assistant principal, principal, executive director, and associate superintendent. She has presented at state and national conferences on the importance of the integration of the innovation and technology into instructional processes for the education preparation of future-ready students.

Stephanie L. Edgar photo

Stephanie L. Edgar

Stephanie Edgar, M.Ed. is currently an associate at N2 Learning, an educational consulting company. She is formerly the Director of Campus Instructional Support in a large suburban school district in Texas. Her team provided direct support to campuses through professional development, specialist training, video production, adaptive and benchmark assessments, campus planning, and embedded technology. Mrs. Edgar has provided in-depth training in the areas of planning, professional learning communities, assessments for learning, collaborative consultations, critical conversations, instructional best practices, student and teacher portfolios, and online professional development. She has served students and teachers for 38 years as a teacher, instructional specialist, and district administrator. Her presentations at state and national conventions focus on leading innovative professional learning, student engagement, and opportunities for transformative teacher leadership.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Professional Learning to Inspire Vision and Voice


Transform Academy Design

Who We Are

Organization of This Book



Introduction to the Transform Academy

Scope, Purpose, and Goals

Transform Academy Design: Informing Our Driving Vision

Participant Selection

Transform Academy at a Glance

Becoming Comfortable With the Unknown

CHAPTER 1. Is Your Learning Culture Ready to Transform? Academy Pre-Session

Ask the Teachers

Establishing Your Vision for the Future

Essential Aspects of a Learning Culture Ready to Transform

Framework for Transforming a Learning Culture

Planning and Chronicling Your Transform Academy

Differentiated Approaches for Professional Learning

Key Ideas

Discussion Questions

Transform Academy Pre-Session Activities

Suggested Action Items

CHAPTER 2. Developing Collaborative Innovators: Session 1

Culture of Innovation: How Do You Define It?

Becoming a Collaborative Innovator

Professional Learning for Transform Academy Session 1

Key Ideas

Discussion Questions

Transform Academy Session 1 Activities

Suggested Action Items

CHAPTER 3. Teacher Voice: Session 2

Celebrating Teacher Innovation

Three Components of an Emerging Vision

Inspiring Teacher Voice

Teacher Leadership

Collaborative Innovator Mindset

How Mindsets Influence Teacher Voice

Professional Learning for Transform Academy Session 2

Developing Teacher Voice

Tapping Student Potential: It’s Time!

Key Ideas

Discussion Questions

Transform Academy Session 2 Activities

Suggested Action Items

CHAPTER 4. Open Permission to Dream: Sessions 3–6

If Only We Could . . .

Opening the Doors to Dreaming

Research and Risk Taking

Field Trips, Conferences, and Experts

Implementing New Learning Standards

Professional Learning for Transform Academy Sessions 3–6

Key Ideas

Discussion Questions

Transform Academy Sessions 3–6 Activities

Suggested Action Items

CHAPTER 5. Flexible Learning Environments: Session 7

Now Ask the Students

Promoting Differentiated Innovative Ideas

Encouraging Student Voice and Choice

Student Learning Communities and Personalized Learning

Classrooms Growing Toward Flexible Learning Environments

Professional Learning for Transform Academy Session 7

Key Ideas

Discussion Questions

Transform Academy Session 7 Activities

Suggested Action Items

CHAPTER 6. Student-Led Learning: Session 8

Teachers Learn to Code

Fostering Student-Led Learning

Essentials for Implementing Student-Led Learning

Professional Learning for Transform Academy Session 8

Key Ideas

Discussion Questions

Transform Academy Session 8 Activities

Suggested Action Items

CHAPTER 7. Sustaining the Momentum: Session 9

Welcome to the Learning Fair

Multi-Year Planning Cycle

The Significance of the Learning Fair

Key Ideas

Discussion Questions

Transform Academy Session 9 Activities

Suggested Action Items

CHAPTER 8. Parting Thoughts

Open Doors and Minds

Building Your Transform Academy





Price: $39.95
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