Hands-on, Practical Guidance for Educators
From math,
literacy, equity, multilingual learners, and SEL, to assessment, school counseling,
and education leadership, our books are research-based and authored by experts
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Differentiation for Real Classrooms
Making It Simple, Making It Work
Use these easy techniques to deliver high-quality lessons that target all learners!
Written in a joyful and conversational tone, this book offers teachers dozens of practical strategies for designing and delivering differentiated lessons to reach all learners. Based on the authors' popular, memorable, and doable C U KAN and the Chunk, Chew, and Check frameworks, this ready-to-go resource delivers ideas rooted in real practice, in real classrooms. This how-to guide:
- Includes abundant illustrations, vignettes, and examples across grade levels
- Offers adaptations for ESL students and students with special needs
- Presents samples of standalone lessons, weeklong lessons, and lesson units
Product Details
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9781412972475
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2009
- Page Count: 152
- Publication date: December 22, 2009
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