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Creating Inclusive Learning Environments for Young Children

What to Do on Monday Morning

Research-based techniques to help all children thrive in early childhood settings!

This comprehensive guide gives early childhood educators strategies and activities to address the learning needs of all children, including those at risk. The author provides in-depth information on a variety of disabilities and offers a glossary, list of resources, and summary of salient research in each chapter. Aligned with NAEYC and DEC standards, this engaging resource helps readers:

  • Create appropriate inclusive environments and establish daily schedules
  • Build relationships among peers with and without disabilities 
  • Work productively with families, special education teachers, and paraprofessionals
  • Understand IEPs and RTI

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-K
  • ISBN: 9781412957199
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2008
  • Page Count: 240
  • Publication date: August 01, 2008

Price: $39.95

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"Invites teachers to apply appropriate strategies in classroom environments for young children with special needs, setting the stage for future school success!"
—Toby Karten, Author, Inclusion Strategies That Work!

"This book helps teachers better understand specific disabilities and intentional support mechanisms that encourage ALL children to learn and grow. It is a resource that I will use for years to come!"
—Kim Hughes, Therapeutic Preschool Teacher
Project Enlightenment, Wake County Public Schools, NC

Research-based techniques to help all children thrive in early childhood settings!

More and more frequently, early childhood educators teach children with special needs, yet few have the necessary background knowledge and experiences to meet the challenge of teaching in an inclusive classroom.

Creating Inclusive Learning Environments for Young Children gives teachers targeted information, strategies, and activities to address the learning needs of all children, including those at risk. The author provides in-depth information on a variety of disabilities, including autism, vision and hearing loss, communication delays, and sensory integration disorders. Each chapter offers a glossary of terms, a list of suggested resources, and a brief summary of relevant research. Aligned with NAEYC and DEC standards, this engaging and comprehensive resource helps readers:

  • Create appropriate inclusive environments and establish daily schedules
  • Build relationships among peers with and without disabilities
  • Work productively with families, special education teachers, and paraprofessionals
  • Understand Individualized Education Programs and Response to Intervention

This handbook gives preschool and kindergarten teachers the tools to support all young learners by building relationships and providing positive classroom experiences.

Key features

  • Experienced author known through NAEYC and DEC/CEC
  • Comprehensive, introductory guide for PreK–K teachers who do not have a background in special education
  • Definitions of terms in text and in end-of-chapter glossaries
  • Reader-friendly writing style


Clarissa Willis photo

Clarissa Willis

Clarissa A. Willis is the associate director of the Center of Excellence at East Tennessee State University and an associate professor of special education in the Department of Human Development and Learning. She is the author of Teaching Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and coauthor of Inclusive Literacy Lessons with Special Education Adaptations. Willis has over 30 years of experience working with children with special needs as a speech pathologist, early interventionist, teacher, and grant administrator. As a consultant, she has provided workshops and keynote addresses to schools and organizations across the country and abroad.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents


About the Author


Part I. Children With Special Needs in the Inclusive Classroom

1. Working With Children With Special Needs

What Do I Need to Know to Work With Children With Special Needs?

Setting the Stage for Inclusion

Inclusion, Blending, and Reverse Mainstreaming

Why Is Inclusion Important?

What Is "Meaningful" Inclusion?

How Do I Develop a Philosophy of Meaningful Inclusion?

General Strategies for Working With Children With Special Needs

How Do I Get the Child's Family Involved?

Resources for Families

Working to "Enable" and "Empower" Families

Terms Used in This Chapter

Resources Used in This Chapter

Suggested Reading

The Research Says...Developmentally Appropriate Practices Must Apply to Everyone

2. Blending the World of Special Education With General Education Services

Best Practices According to NAEYC and DEC

Constructivism vs. Behaviorism: Blending Without Ignoring Best Practice

Using Observation Skills to Guide Instruction

Planning for an IEP Meeting

The Teacher's Rules of the Road

Related Services

The Role of the Special Education Teacher

Working With Paraprofessionals and Instructional Assistants

Terms Used in This Chapter

Resources Used in This Chapter

Suggested Reading

The Research Says...What Early Childhood Practitioners Think About Inclusion

Part II. Who Are the Children With Special Needs?

3. Children With Vision Impairments

How Do Young Children Develop Vision?

What Causes Visual Impairments in Young Children?

How Are Vision Impairments Classified?

What Resources Are Available to Help the Child Function in My Classroom?

How Do Children With Vision Impairments Learn?

Preparing the Early Childhood Environment

Suggestions for Children With Low Vision

Suggestions for Children Who Are Blind or Severely Vision Impaired


Terms Used in This Chapter

Resources Used in This Chapter

Suggested Reading

The Research Says...Play Behaviors in Young Children Who Are Blind

4. Children With Hearing Loss

Defining Hearing Loss

What Determines the Degree of Hearing Loss?

So, What About Hearing Aids?

Cochlear Implant

How Will Hearing Loss Affect Children in My Classroom?

Social Isolation

Effects of Hearing Loss on Speech (Oral Language)

Reduced Academic Achievement

Suggestions for the Classroom

Terms Used in This Chapter

Resources Used in This Chapter

Suggested Reading

The Research Says...Cochlear Implants Can Result in Better Prosody

5. Children With Cognitive Challenges

Understanding the Challenges for Children With Cognitive Delays

Characteristics of Children With Cognitive Challenges

Educational Implications

What Are Functional Skills and Why Are They Important?

How Do I Teach Everyday Tasks (Functional Skills)?

What Do I Do First, Before Teaching a New Skill?

How Exactly Does This All Fit Together?

Classroom Suggestions for Children With Cognitive Challenges


Terms Used in This Chapter

Resources Used in This Chapter

Suggested Reading

The Research Says...Social Development Across Time

6. Children With Atypical Motor Development

Causes of Atypical Motor Development

Muscle Tone

Cerebral Palsy

Fine and Gross Motor Skills

Positioning and Handling

Adaptive Equipment


Terms Used in This Chapter

Resources Used in This Chapter

Suggested Reading

The Research Says...Children With Motor Delays Are At-Risk for Social Isolation

7. Children With Communication Delays

What Is Communication?

Understanding the Child's "Form" of Communication

Function and Content of Communication

The Nonverbal Child

Cleft Lip and Palate

Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)

Terms Used in This Chapter

Resources Used in This Chapter

Suggested Reading

The Research Says...Communication Is More Than Just Imitation

8. Children With Emotional/Behavior Disorders

What Are Challenging Behaviors?

Young Children and Mental Health

Anxiety Disorders

Classroom Suggestions for Children with Anxiety Disorders

Separation Anxiety

Classroom Suggestions for Children With Separation Anxiety

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Classroom Suggestions for Children With PTSD

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

Classroom Suggestions for Children With ODD

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Medication Issues

Classroom Suggestions for Children With ADHD


Terms Used in This Chapter

Resources Used in This Chapter

Suggested Reading

The Research Says...Risk Factors for Future Challenging Behaviors

9. Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

What Is a Spectrum Disorder?

What Is Autism?

What Are the Five Types of Autism?

Begin by Looking at the Child's Behavior

Communication Issues

Developing Social Skills


Terms Used in This Chapter

Resources Used in This Chapter

Suggested Reading

The Research Says...The Role of Attention and Intention in Learning New Words

10. Children With Sensory Integration Disorder

What Exactly Is Sensory Integration?

Sensory Integration Disorder

What Can I Do to Make My Classroom Sensory "Friendly"?

Materials for the "Sensory Friendly" Classroom

Terms Used in This Chapter

Resources Used in This Chapter

Suggested Reading

The Research Says...Trauma and Sensory Modulation Disorder

11. Children At Risk for School Failure

Who Are Children At Risk?

Children Living in Extreme Poverty


Family Factors

Chronic Illness

Future Learning Disability

Classroom Suggestions for Children At Risk

Terms Used in This Chapter

Resources Used in This Chapter

Suggested Reading

The Research Says...Teen Mothers Living in Transitional Shelters Need Support

Part III. Strategies for the Inclusive Classroom

12. Preparing the Children

Before the First Day of School

How Do I Prepare Children in a General Education Setting for a Child With Special Needs?

What Kinds of Activities Teach Tolerance and Acceptance of Others?

The Socially Competent Child

Terms Used in this Chapter

Suggested Reading

13. Preparing the Environment

The Important Role of the Environment

Maintaining a Balance Between Activities

The Daily Schedule

Large Group Time

Small Group Time

Individualized Instruction

Free Choice Time


Assistive Technology--Adapting Materials


Terms Used in This Chapter

Resources Used in This Chapter

Suggested Reading

14. The Curriculum

What Role Does the Curriculum Play in Teaching Children With Special Needs?

Is There a Special "Curriculum" for a Child With Special Needs?

Curriculum Models

Differentiated Instruction (DI)

Response to Intervention (RTI)

Recognition and Response

Curriculum Modifications for Children With Special Needs

Content Area Instruction

Terms Used in This Chapter

Resources Used in This Chapter

Suggested Reading

15. Handling Challenging Behaviors

What Is Challenging Behavior?

What Kinds of Behaviors Can I Tolerate?

What Is a Functional Assessment?

Identification of Positive Behaviors

Terms Used in This Chapter

Resources Used in This Chapter

Suggested Reading

16. Building Communication

Understanding Communication

Levels of Communication Development

How Do You Set Appropriate Goals for Communication?

What About Children Who Are Nonverbal?

Low-Tech Methods of Communication

How Do I Start Helping a Child With Special Needs Use Pictures to Communicate?

What About Electronic Communication Devices?

Picture Schedules

Terms Used in This Chapter

Resources Used in This Chapter

Suggested Reading


Children's Books That Feature Dynamic Characters With Special Needs

Resources for Special Needs Products


  • Homelessness
  • Communicating in the Classroom


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