Hands-on, Practical Guidance for Educators
From math,
literacy, equity, multilingual learners, and SEL, to assessment, school counseling,
and education leadership, our books are research-based and authored by experts
on topics most relevant to what educators are facing today.
Collaborative Peer Coaching That Improves Instruction
The 2 + 2 Performance Appraisal Model
Dramatically enhance teaching and learning by reviving teacher collaboration!
The 2 + 2 method--a practice where teachers visit each other's classrooms and provide two compliments and two suggestions for improvement--not only enhances teaching skills and student learning, but also increases job satisfaction. Discover how 2+2:
The 2 + 2 method--a practice where teachers visit each other's classrooms and provide two compliments and two suggestions for improvement--not only enhances teaching skills and student learning, but also increases job satisfaction. Discover how 2+2:
- Restores the vital connections between teachers and students, teachers and administrators, and teachers and teachers
- Encourages teaching and learning to develop beyond what standardized tests reveal
- Provides a low-cost, easy-to-implement program that is realistic, given teachers' time constraints and limited school budgets
- Transforms schools into cultures of collaborative teaching and learning
Product Details
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9781412906098
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2004
- Page Count: 136
- Publication date: October 28, 2004
Review Copies
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Other Titles in: Coaching | Professional Learning Communities | Staff Supervision / Evaluation / Retention