Possible Uses
Publisher’s Acknowledgments
About the Author
INTRODUCTION Defining Blended Learning
Why Blended Learning?
Definition and Models of Blended Learning
Internet Safety in the Elementary Classroom
CHAPTER 1 Blended Learning Teacher Competencies
Adaptive Skills
Technical Skills
CHAPTER 2 Crafting Your Vision
Adapting Blended Models
Rethinking the Role of Teachers and Learners
Letting Go of Control
Redesigning the Learning Space
Designing the Blueprint
CHAPTER 3 Maximizing Instructional Time
Answering the Essential Question About Time
Rethinking the School Day
Cloning the Teacher
Designing the Blueprint
CHAPTER 4 Making It Personal
Moving From Differentiation to Personalized Learning
Designing Personalized Pathways
Making Pathways Work
Designing the Blueprint
CHAPTER 5 Empowering Students
Leveraging Formative Assessments
Managing Data and Goal-Setting
Tapping Into Student Passions
Designing the Blueprint
CHAPTER 6 Expanding Your Toolbox
Designing Collaborative Learning Experiences
Leveraging Adaptive Tools for Self-Paced Learning
Amplifying Student Voice
Designing the Blueprint
CHAPTER 7 Professional Learning
Collaborating With Colleagues
Connecting With Stakeholders
Owning Your Professional Learning
Designing the Blueprint
CHAPTER 8 Getting Started
Starting Small
Planning for Sustainability
Designing the Blueprint
Appendix A: Blueprint for Blended Learning
Appendix B: iNACOL Blended Learning Teacher Competency Framework
Appendix C: Reflecting on the iNACOL Blended Learning Teacher Competencies
Appendix D: Recommended Reading
Appendix E: Guide for Coaching and Supporting Blended Teachers