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Assessment as Learning
By: Lorna M. Earl
Using clear explanations and cases, this must-have resource shows how formative assessment can improve student learning. Included are lesson plans and ideas for easy implementation.
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9781452242972
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2012
- Page Count: 160
- Publication date: January 07, 2013
Price: $39.95
For Instructors
Your key to understanding how formative assessment improves learning!
High-stakes tests and end-of-year assessments dominate educational planning and curriculum. Yet, formative assessments are proven to have the most impact on day-to-day learning.
Teachers who understand how to use assessment to spark learning unlock a powerful educational tool, and Assessment as Learning can show you how. Using clear explanations and poignant cases, this book illustrates how formative assessment can be used to understand student beliefs, inform classroom instruction, and encourage student reflection. Fully revised, this second edition features
- Discussion of the complex nature of learning
- Ways to use formative assessment in a variety of contexts
- Real-life examples and case studies of assessment in action
- Sample rubrics and lesson plans for easy implementation
- Ideas for Follow-up at the end of each chapter
- Insights into common classroom dilemmas along with viable solutions
Unraveling the mystery of formative assessment, this resource reveals how this teaching technique optimizes learning.
"Lorna Earl is an international thought leader when it comes to linking quality assessment to teaching, learning and student success."
—Rick Stiggins, Author and Consultant
"Earl begins at the beginning, focusing on assessing what students believe is true and using assessment information to help students develop and extend learning from those initial beliefs. Readers should do likewise, asking themselves what they believe is true about assessment and then extending their learning with this book."
—Susan M. Brookhart, Consultant
Brookhart Enterprises
Key features
- Defines assessment of learning, assessment for learning and assessment as learning, making a case for assessment as learning.
- Addresses assessment in the context of what learning is
- Shows how to use formative assessment to motivate student learning, help students make connections so that they move from emergent to proficient, extend their learning and to help them become reflective self-regulators of their own learning
- Explores how teachers can make the shift to formative assessment by engaging in conceptual change
Lorna M. Earl
Throughout her career, Earl has concentrated her efforts on policy and program evaluations as a vehicle to enhance learning for pupils and for organizations. She has done extensive work in the areas of literacy and the middle years, but has concentrated her efforts on issues related to evaluation of large-scale reform and assessment (large-scale and classroom) in many venues around the world. She has worked extensively in schools and school boards, and has been involved in consultation, research, and staff development with teachers' organizations, ministries of education, school districts, and charitable foundations. Earl holds a doctorate in epidemiology and biostatistics, as well as degrees in education and psychology.
Table of Contents
About the Author
1. The Promise and the Challenge of Classroom Assessment
Why This Book?
How the Educational World has Changed
The Power of Classroom Assessment
What is This Book About?
The Case of "Understanding Learning and Assessment"
Using This Book
Ideas for Follow Up
2. Situating Assessment Changes
A Brief History of Assessment
Looking for Change in all the Wrong Places
Rethinking Assessment for Real Change
Purpose is Everything
Classroom Assessment and Large-Scale Reform
Taking Up the Challenge
Ideas for Follow Up
3. Assessment of Learning, for Learning, and as Learning
Assessment of Learning
Assessment for Learning
Assessment as Learning
Getting the Balance Right
Ideas for Follow Up
4. Spotlight on Learning
Learning Makes Us Human
How People Learn
Learning for Understanding
Learning is Hard Work
Learning Happens in Context
Ideas for Follow Up
5. Assessment and Learning
How Does Classroom Assessment Contribute to Learning?
Assessment as an Integral part of Teaching and Learning
Realizing the Power of Assessment to Optimize Learning
Ideas for Follow Up
6. Using Assessment to Identify What They "Believe to Be True"
"The Case of the Pool Table"
Start With What They Believe to be True
"The Case of the Blog"
Ideas for Follow Up
7. Using Assessment to Motivate Learning
Assessment That Motivates
Relevant Assessment
Imaginative Assessment
Assessment that Scaffolds Learning
"The Case of Othello"
Assessment to Reverse Socialization
Ideas for Follow Up
8. Using Assessment to Make Connections
Curriculum as Visible Targets for Learning
Plan Learning, Plan Assessment, and Expect the Unexpected
"The Case of Planned Literacy"
Ideas for Follow Up
9. Using Assessment to Extend Learning
Feedback for Learning
Rubrics and Exemplars as Tools
"The Case of the Brass Band"
Ideas, Connections, and Extensions (ICE)
Ideas for Follow Up
10. Using Assessment for Reflection and Self-Regulation
"The Case of Jojo"
Students as Their Own Best Assessors
Developing Self-Regulating Habits of Mind
"The Case of Choices"
Ideas for Follow Up
11. Getting to Assessment for Optimum Learning
It's About Learning, and It's About Time
Getting to the Spirit of AFL Requires Conceptual Change
Think About What You Believe to be True
Learn About Learning
Know Your Subject
Be an Expert Teacher
Work Together in Collaborative Inquiry
Don't Give Up, But be Gentile With Yourself
Self-Regulation for You Too
Get the Support You Need
Put it All Together
“This valuable resource goes beyond assessment for learning by shifting from the teacher to the student as the key assessor in self-monitoring personal goals and external standards.”Julie Prescott, Assessment Coordinator
Vallivue High School, Caldwell, ID
"In Assessment as Learning, Dr. Earl shares her deep understanding of classroom assessment and her commitment to harnessing its power for student learning. She begins at the beginning, focusing on assessing what students believe is true and using assessment information to help students develop and extend learning from those initial beliefs. Readers should do likewise, asking themselves what they believe is true about assessment and then extending their learning with this book."Susan M. Brookhart, Consultant, Brookhart Enterprises LLC
Senior Research Associate, Center for Advancing the Study of Teaching and Learning, Duquesne University, Helena, MT
"Assessment as Learning is an invaluable resource for teacher candidates. It provides an extensive review of assessment theory, research, policy and practise."Louis Volante, Associate Professor (Assessment & Evaluation)
Brock University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
"Lorna Earl is an international thought leader when it comes to linking quality assessment to teaching, learning and student success. We are both members of a worldwide community of researchers, teachers, and school leaders intent on advancing our understanding of how to use assessment day to day in the classroom to both promote and verify student achievement. As we collaborate, Lorna points us in the right direction."Rick Stiggins, Consultant
Portland, OR
"Despite two decades of work by educators to turn assessment into an activity that helps students to learn better, there is still much work to be done. The focus needs to move away from routines carried by teachers, truly to engage students themselves. It is this fundamental shift that Lorna Earl emphasizes in this excellent second edition of her book."Mary James, Professor, Cambridge University
Founding Member of the Assessment Reform Group
"Lorna Earl has provided one of the most readable books about how to use assessment as learning for teachers and students. It just makes sense! While testing is all around us, Lorna Earl shows how it is efficient to use this information to inform our impact, where to go next, and to identify our successes in learning and teaching. She moves the debate away from assessment as good or bad to assessment as a powerful tool when interpreted by teachers to enhance their impact."John Hattie, Director, Melbourne Education Research Institute
Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne, Australia
"Lorna Earl's conceptualization of Assessment As Learning makes a major contribution to the work of educators determined to help all learners achieve deep understanding and powerful levels of learning. Grounded in practice, informed by research, and marked by a genuine respect for teachers and the challenges they face, this is a book that all educators will find enormously helpful."Judy Halbert, Co-Founder & co-leader
Networks of Inquiry and Innovations and the Aboriginal Enhancement Schools Network, British Columbia, Canada