"Callan and Levinson illustrate the complexities of superintendent's job and provide concrete strategies to proactively address them—a nice overview to start with and reference to use over time."
—Peter Dillon, Superintendent
Berkshire Hills Regional School District, Stockbridge, MA
"This book provides valuable information for aspiring and new superintendents. I wish this resource had been available when I was considering the superintendency."
—Marie Blum, Superintendent
Canaseraga Central School District, NY
An expert guide to becoming a successful superintendent
Veteran superintendents Mary Frances Callan and William Levinson provide engaging examples and practical advice based on years of experience in this comprehensive how-to guide for aspiring and new superintendents. They believe that understanding all aspects of the superintendency is critical to developing expertise and that those who master a wide array of leadership and organizational skills significantly increase their chances for success. Offering both the benefits of their knowledge and a vision for the future, the authors cover a full range of topics, including:
- Keys to providing exceptional instructional leadership
- Strategic planning, goal setting, and decision making
- Budgeting, negotiations and collective bargaining
- Effective communication with staff, the board, unions, and the media
This unique reference focuses on the interconnections between leadership, organization, and action and provides tools for assessing the most appropriate response to any on-the-job situation.
Key features
There are a number of special features in this book. For those who aspire to be superintendents there is detailed information on how to prepare for the position and the application process. We include what to expect during the interview and any site visitation. For those newly selected there is information on contracts and the transition period as well as what to do during the first year.
We include information on strategic planning, goal setting, superintendent and administrative evaluation, meeting structures, and decision making. We provide detailed information on how to master the district's finances, work with a board and unions, lead negotiations and communicate. More importantly we focus on how to be an effective educational leader of teaching and learning.
There is also guidance on topics not normally covered in other books. For example, we address personal issues that confront new superintendents such as where to live, the effects of the job on your family and personal life, and community expectations. Throughout the book we focus on the interconnection between leadership, organization, and personal behavior.
For superintendents in their second or third years discussions are included on how to delve into the complexities of the position rather than just view each succeeding year as a repeat of year one. The importance of instituting and maintaining an "18 Month Planning Process" is stressed. We include eleven challenges that face superintendents in each succeeding year including how to provide effective leadership in a changing organization. The book concludes with a discussion of when it is time think about moving on and the implications of the decision to stay or leave a district.